***OKIES in the BYC III ***

Hey BYC Okies!!!

After 7 long, featherless years... I'm getting back in the chicken business!!  I finally got moved back out to the country, & immediately began planning. Lol. It won't be until spring before I get my girls, but I wanted to get back on the board & get acquainted with all the newcomers! (Newcomers, as in people I have met in the past 7 years. Lol!)

Does anyone know if Cement still has an auction?

Cement no longer has an auction but Newcastle has one on the 3rd Saturday of each month,(some months on the 1st Saturday also). It is well attended and is held in the Newcastle High School Ag barn, starts at 4:00, check in at 12:00.
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Some will, some won't.
my clean legged, birds gladly walk thru the bowls of water I have put out but my Cochins an d Showgirls never do. My Marans are feather legged and do get in the water but they don't have feathers like the Cochins.
I have 4 girls that have decided that now is the time to be broody, guess that is good since I just shut off my incubator, but it is too hot. I have been putting frozen bottles of water beside bthem in their nests, hope that helps.
Ironsights, its really not much to see. One old street with old buildings.  Although they do have a gas station, a pharmacy, a fire department, & a museum.  Which is more than what Purdy has these days! Lol
I grew up in South Dakota in the 60s, 40 miles from Martin (where I graduated HS in 72) population around 500 if you count the surrounding area. BUT only ten miles from us (5 miles was through the pastures) was Vetal, population 10, it boasted 2 bars, each had a gas pump the kind that you pumped by hand into a glass cylinder and drained into your truck, ( gas was between 12 and 18 cents) one general store /post office (owned by the Hunts) also with a gas pump but it was one of those electrical ones. It also had a pharmacy cause Old man Hunt had a still which he thought no one knew about except for his customers. He always carried a bucket of grain around with a quart of medicinal product in it, good for whatever ailed you. Sorry about the book, it has nothing to do with chickens and I'm sure there are lots on here with the same memories!
mjgigax, thanks for the info!! I completely forgot about Newcastle, I used to go to their shows.

loriemarler, I wonder who I could talk to about the Blanchard auction. Do you know where it is held? That is actually closest to us.

Ironsights, that kinda sounds like Cement! I love hearing stories like that, its like a completely different world. So refreshing :)
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I found this on Craigslist about the Blanchard auction.
"There will be a poultry and miscellaneous auction Saturday night July 25, starting at 5 pm. It is located at the AG barn at 2500 south country line rd. Blanchard Okla. only the good lord knows what all will be there. YALL COME SEE US."

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