***OKIES in the BYC III ***

I found this on Craigslist about the Blanchard auction.
"There will be a poultry and miscellaneous auction Saturday night July 25, starting at 5 pm. It is located at the AG barn at 2500 south country line rd. Blanchard Okla. only the good lord knows what all will be there. YALL COME SEE US."
Is this the one that does all the "stuff" between the eggs/chicks and the older birds? Or is that Newcastle?

We ended wup with a little over 3 inches of rain in the past two days....the ponds are overflowing. Amazing for July! Grass is green and the cooler temperatures the past few days might allow the tomatoes to set fruit.
My hatch due the 23 is already hatching! Already there are 4 out and 15 pipped out of the 50 eggs in the hatcher.
Hope everyone has a great day.
Ooh does any have Blue-Laced Red Wyandottes??

Not getting chickens til spring, but would love to see pictures!
We got 3 1/4 inches of rain Monday night, which was very welcome here at home. I needed to do some large-scale watering which I can neglect now. It is raining right now, but I don't think we're expecting a lot.

My tomatoes are producing well, but most of the tomatoes have been too watery and not very flavorful; I expect because they got too little sun. The last few have been much better. The blister beetles are eating the tomato vines and have now started on the tomatoes as well. In years past, they've shredded all my hostas, but they seem to now prefer tomatoes. I dusted with Sevin yesterday, so I'm hoping that will slow them down at least. Of course, now it has all been rained off.

Never got my okra planted this year. I've been working very, very hard clearing out a very large flower bed surrounding my vegetable garden, because I needed to transplant my very nice irises that are now in too much shade. This has required chain sawing (Vashi) and a lot of use of the axe, shovel, hoe, rake, loppers and pruning saw by me. Finally got that area cleaned out, and a good friend, who started me with guinea fowl and chickens, wanted to give me a lot of his much newer irises. He gave me 40 named varieties, which filled up that new bed, so I've had to clear out the adjacent area (needing the same equipment), so I can transplant my own. Hope to have some really nice blooms next year.

I've had very little problem with my chickens, except that my two batches I incubated early on went very badly and the hens themselves haven't done much better. Also, apparently a raccon (or family) worked its way through the poultry netting near the top of one pen and ultimately got all six of the black silkies. They were all pretty old, but some were still laying. I was upset, but not as much as if they'd gotten some of my younger, better birds. What an ordeal for the birds, though.
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Saturday Jack finally found a Tom for his Bronze turkey hen; a 6mo. old bird, no beard yet but big legs to grow into. The tom is very tame. I can pet him already. The had has been leaving Jack's yard and going up the street, we think to look for a turkey friend. Joe would always herd her home,

Tonight Joe and I caught the hen and Jack clipped her wing so she will stop hopping the fence. But she got too hot in all the fuss and died shortly after. Joe is the most heartbroken. He grew kind of fond of her when she would come over for a visit.

Does anyone know where to find some Bronze Turkeys ?, (even polts)
My tomatoes are producing well, but most of the tomatoes have been too watery and not very flavorful; I expect because they got too little sun.  The last few have been much better.  The blister beetles are eating the tomato vines and have now started on the tomatoes as well.  In years past, they've shredded all my hostas, but they seem to now prefer tomatoes.  I dusted with Sevin yesterday, so I'm hoping that will slow them down at least.  Of course, now it has all been rained off.

Never got my okra planted this year.  I've been working very, very hard clearing out a very large flower bed surrounding my vegetable garden, because I needed to transplant my very nice irises that are now in too much shade.  This has required chain sawing (Vashi) and a lot of use of the axe, shovel, hoe, rake, loppers and pruning saw by me.  Finally got that area cleaned out, and a good friend, who started me with guinea fowl and chickens, wanted to give me a lot of his much newer irises.  He gave me 40 named varieties, which filled up that new bed, so I've had to clear out the adjacent area (needing the same equipment), so I can transplant my own.  Hope to have some really nice blooms next year.

I've had very little problem with my chickens, except that my two batches I incubated early on went very badly and the hens themselves haven't done much better.  Also, apparently a raccon (or family) worked its way through the poultry netting near the top of one pen and ultimately got all six of the black silkies.  They were all pretty old, but some were still laying.  I was upset, but not as much as if they'd gotten some of my younger, better birds.  What an ordeal for the birds, though.

Sorry to hear about your birds Betsy. Sounds like you and Vashi have had a busy early summer! Iris are one of my favorite flowers. You will have to post some photos next year.
I use BT for blister bugs and tomato horn worm. It is a natural bacteria that kills the bugs and caterpillars that ingest it. It doesn't hurt bees or ladybugs because they don't eat the plant leaves.
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Predators took advantage of some storm damage and killed four of my Cornish cross chicks. A fifth chick is alive but without a beak. He's able to eat and drink, so I think he's going to make it. The tarp covering their cage ripped on one side, probably during the windiest part of the storm, so an opossum had access to one side that has 1' X 1" wire. Four headless meat birds and one opossum made a sorry sight this morning. The opossum had a tooth stuck in a space where two separate panels of wire overlapped, By the time I got back to the pen with a shovel, the monster had left his tooth and a bloody smudge behind.

I buried an old hen that expired during our hottest day last week, and I put a coyote trap over the burial mound. Tonight, there was a powerful skunk stink coming from the direction of the trap. I found the hen halfway dug up and the skunk stuck in the trap. I'm going to need two pair of gloves to get that smelly interloper our of the trap tomorrow. The last time I only wore one pair of gloves, and they tore. I had to wash my hands until they were red to get the smell off.

I got a new NN cockerel from Kassaundra. He's very tame, doesn't mind when the ducks laugh at him, and likes to sit up front. He called shotgun on the drive home.


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