***OKIES in the BYC III ***

The rain gauge says just under 3" at the house. The neighbors little dachshund was taken by something right after the storm, that makes 3 small dogs gone in the neighborhood in about a year. We have a little Yorkie who doesn't go out without supervision. She's getting older so she only goes about 3' into the yard and doesn't waste time getting back into the house.

We've seen two large dogs roaming but only catch glances as they run away. Looks like a boxer and some type of hound. I haven't lost any birds yet but the neighbors coop has a 3' hole in the wire and they are once again without chickens. They only keep about 3-4, I've got about 25 8 week old pullets so I've offered them a few once they get repairs done. I prefer to catch the loose dogs to verify if they belong to someone but will do what has to be done if they start killing chickens. I hate not letting the chickens roam their yard but I'm tired of starting back at square one.

The highlight of my week (other than the rain) was the identification of the last few birds from my original assortment. I'd been going through the list of standard breeds that were supposed to be chosen and had ruled out every one. After looking at the more expensive birds (I won't go as far as the hatchery and call them rare) I have a nice quartet, 3 hens 1 rooster, of silver pencilled rocks. Probably not a breed I'd have picked on my own but nice looking birds.

Hope everyone gets a little of the rain this week. I'll be happy with one or two more light showers.
I don't know how much rain we got, but I think my son will wish he had grabbed an umbrella. LOL I dropped him off this morning in Stillwater for the 4-H Roundup.

@jrjoplin I hope you all can find out what is taking the small animals. That's terrible.
Our guesses are either coyotes or an owl. They've all been taken quickly at night with no evidence left behind.

We have a huge owl that hangs out at our place at night. When our small dogs were still with us we didn't let them out at night because we were afraid they would get taken.
Can't wait to take the little run out of the big run. It's becoming a nuisance since the big ones won't stay out of it, and keep eating all of the food in there and making a mess of the place. The barred rocks are getting smart enough and big enough (about half the others' size) now to get away from the bigger pullets when they're getting pecked. I even saw two of them run under one of the big girls' legs, knocking her over in the process. Bowled her right over. Hilarious! Two of them have been consistently roosting with everyone else for a few days, despite some protest from the big girls. I think at the end of this weekend we're calling the integration good and seeing if they are ready to fend for themselves. Fingers crossed!
Anyone ever had eggs come out like this?
Looks like the hen may have stepped on it just after laying. Are you supplementing your layers with oyster shell for their shells? I leave it our free choice in a hanging feeder.

I have chicks hatching...Glory Be! the temperature spiked to 111 the day the eggs were to go into lockdown. I candled and put all that were jiggling into the hatcher with a 75% humidity to refresh the moisture and to help cool them down. Although 2 days late, so far one had completely hatched and five more are moving about. Had to toss 30 eggs because there was no movement and development had obviously been arrested. It was my last hatch and had a few test eggs for a fall breeding.
Any chicks that hatch will go under a broody hen that is hatching her clutch this week.

I have a cute story on my hubby. The ceiling lights in the back of the barn need to be replaced. He came in the other day telling me that one or more of the banty hens was laying in a storage section by the chain saws. I went out and picked up what eggs I could find.
Then Roger told me that may be a pack rat was building a nest in that area and must be gathering up eggs because there was at least a dozen eggs accumulating in the nest.
This time I took a flashlight. On the floor was a huge pile of white.....
Christmas bulbs and the wiring...that had fallen from the shelf above.
We had a good laugh.

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