***OKIES in the BYC III ***

We are doing clean up around here today.. I have a stack of 3-6 inch diameter hickory if some one would like it for thier smoker or fireplace its free for pick-up. Call as I will likely be outside mowing and weed eating etc.
What's everyone else up to today?
Here are some of my micro's with my hand in the picture for scale...these little guys are full grown. The pullets lay eggs and one of them has gone broody. He doesn't know that he's just a little guy...he crows and does a big side-ways rooster dance and really impresses the girls. Unfortunately they're too small for me to show ABA and there isn't a SCNA show within a thousand miles.



We felt the earthquake at 2:19 this morning. Have heard it was a 4.9. It woke us up--I told Vashi I thought we'd just had another earthquake-- though it only shook things a bit. He heard things rattle a bit on the night stand.
Morning all. Hope everyone didn't get to shook up last night. Well have alot to do today think i might talk somebody into coming over and helping build a new pig pen?????? (And when i say help i mean build it while i sit back and drink beer). No? Ok it was worth a try.
Morning Miss Betsy......another lovely day. Project for the day is homemade egg noodles after I go out and let the girls out to enjoy. If the earth moved around here I missed it. Have to edit this a bit not as nice as yesterday.......TOO WINDY.
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Morning Patty. Home-made egg noodles sound good--I may have to try that sometime. The movement wasn't a lot. Information says it hit the Oklahoma City area at 2:12; I guess it took 7 minutes to be felt here. Of course, our clock could be a bit off, but not that far. The adult guineas are getting along very well. I've not let them out to free range yet; partly to let yours wings feather out fully. They need to be able to fly here. Mine are good about coming in at night. Haven't let the youngsters mingle with them yet.

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