***OKIES in the BYC III ***

Snowed in????? Seriously?
Choose a topic and we can all toss out our opinions.
Did you try fans and water misters for your birds this past summer? With the rabbits, I just kept the lights off in the barn to avoid adding any extra heat and the straw on the floor helped keep the temperature about 10 degrees cooler than outside temps. With some fans and frozen bottles of water in the cages, most did alright.
I just posted these pics on another thread and thought I'd share here too, but sorry no chickens in this batch. But in honor of Teach I may throw in a snake.


Ever get the feeling you are being watched?

Is it paranoia if you are????




Took me years to get these cheetah pics (this is just one of several I got that day)


This ones for teach.
Dad used to give me 50 cents to play with you...

I put meat in your pockets so the dogs would like you


we gots inches of snow...Clayton shovels the porch about every hour on the hour

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