***OKIES in the BYC III ***

Wow! Finally got caught up on the posts....

I am in the City and will be ready to go in the morning... a 20 minute drive is much better than a 2 hour drive with 4 cranky kids mad at me cause I got them up at 5 to leave at 6 to be there at 8....
i am so glad you took her!! and happy to hear there are vets around that see chickens!

sadly i lost my little guy tonite- there obviously was more going on than just the beak- he just quit eating and could last on that- so i now have 4 favs- i'll get pics tomorow-

Aw! I am so sorry.
Shellie, you're going to be so busy with those Swedish Flower chicks that I really think you should do the right thing and find a nice loving home for those poor little Wheaten AMeraucana pullets. Come on, do the right thing. I'd be willing to go way out of my way and take them off your hands for you. I would welcome the burden.
That lady in Norman you were talking about is where I got my Royal Palm turkeys last July and my 4 Cuckoo Marans. All were big strong and healthy birds. I liked that lady a lot and they seemed to take really good care of their birds. There were SO many! There's weren't any Spitzhauben then though.

Oh Robin, I'm so sorry about your little Fav boy :-( I agree there was probably something going on with him. I lost one of the teeny black Cochin bantams from Newcastle (MJ's), no idea why. Same with one of the tiny Silver Phoenix pullets, just found her dead. I think sometimes babies can hang on for a week or 2 but if they're going to go they do. I want some more little Faverolles girls so bad. If I can find homes for any potential boys I think I'm going to order more eggs from her to hatch.

Beth, thanks for the kind words about my little pullet. I could hang out in a vet medical library for weeks before I came up for air, that sort of stuff always fascinated me.
EDIT: Oh! And 1 of the 2 Silver Laced Cochin eggs in lockdown is pipped!
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Maybe, I think the place was on Indian Hills Rd. Did it have lots of beautiful palomino paint horses? I fell in love with those horses LOL. I know she has quail on Craigslist, that was how I found her. I needed some babies to go with this one little that hatched. It kept running around crying. Now with the button quail in the incubator I may have two types of quail. What was I thinking! Oh that's right, it was my MIL that bought these! Whew that's better.....Right!

Yep that is the same one. She has hundreds of chickens. Glad my chicken math isn't that bad, I would be in so much trouble.
i am so glad you took her!! and happy to hear there are vets around that see chickens!

sadly i lost my little guy tonite- there obviously was more going on than just the beak- he just quit eating and could last on that- so i now have 4 favs- i'll get pics tomorow-

Oh, I'm so sorry Robin.
Just a quick note to say hey and wish everyone a merry POOPS Day tomorrow. Think of me at work while you are having all that fun.
My dogs have been fighting off something at night. My female Pyr paid a visit to the vet today. Got her stitched up.
Picking up 2 more GPs this weekend. Two big males for reinforcements.

Hey Buster! I for sure will be thinking of you at work while we are Cinco de Pollo Mayo-ing the day away. (I made you a name tag just in case you and Erlene get "sick" and can't work tomorrow!)

Geez! I hope you find and exterminate whatever it is that's trespassing on your Pyr's territory!
Ok the Suburban is packed minus the live animals and kids are all bathed and clothes laid out. We are ready for tomorrow minus the birds.

Mitzi did you want me to bring the guinea to trade? If so I will put him in a cage in the morning.

Who needed a BCM roo? I have one extra now so could bring him as well just don't want to bring him if I am just going to bring him back home, lol.

Anyone need some Black Australorp roos or Buff orphington Roos? If so holler and I will bring a few of each, not bringing them unless someone speaks up.

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