***OKIES in the BYC III ***

Kass - Today is day 10 for your hatch. I candled the 17 that made it here (#18 was broken), and I culled three clears. The rest have visible development. I will post another update when we get to lockdown. Remind me again, what breed am I hatching for you?
Woo Hoo awesome. I was going to ask, but didn't want to pester you. They are NN's, all diff. colors.
Robin, I thought my grown daughter and I were going to come to blows over this whole broody thing

I hope the Guinea recovers. I don't know why they're so dang fascinated with mirrors! Our old Guinea boy is in love with the shiny metal toolbox and stands in front of it talking for hours.
i can understand that about the eggs- but i lectured those girls today... no brooding in the summer, too hot ladies!! and somehow that dard roo of ours seems to lean towards fathering sons!! i put those 2 eggs in the bator, hope it doesn't mess up the eggs in there already... they are silkies

guineas are so darn funny- i have had times of just walking up and picking them up- i can even pet mine once in awhile... maybe the little guinea will be ok
A few pics from the garden today

have several zuchs this bigish

sweet potato

cukes taking over the world, and a large zuch, also in this garden spot are okra, melons, lettuce

One of the cukes on the previous vine

peppers, tomatoes, sweet potatoes, beans, borage, basil

This garden is taking over the whole yard, it's got squash, watermelon, tomatoes, peppers, beans, marigold, borage, sunflower
and a few more

some pear tomatoes

rat tail radish pods

a couple of the bell pepper plants

bush beans


bush bean blossoms

the fig tree I just planted this year, it has figs on it.
nana or anyone else around prauge, i just saw an ad on craigslist for someone starting another animal auction in the old ensign's bldg. didnt say who, but first sale is may 26.

The info I have is it is now called Desert Plains Livestock Auction. They will be using the old Ensign auction location on the Highway 99 north of Prague. First sale is May 26 beginning at 3 pm with tack and miscellaneous. The Hitchin Post Cafe is open. Contact Shari or Jimmy 405-323-5183 for early consignment. Physical address is 101597 S. Highway 99, Prague, Ok 74864

Nice garden Kass!
The info I have is it is now called Desert Plains Livestock Auction. They will be using the old Ensign auction location on the Highway 99 north of Prague. First sale is May 26 beginning at 3 pm with tack and miscellaneous. The Hitchin Post Cafe is open. Contact Shari or Jimmy 405-323-5183 for early consignment. Physical address is 101597 S. Highway 99, Prague, Ok 74864

Nice garden Kass!
Guess What? I used to live right straight across from the auction buildings north of Prague. Of course that was before they built the new highway! Now when we go through that area we are literally driving through where our living room used to be. There was a nice big pond out back in that pasture, I wonder if it is still there, it had some really nice big bass in it. Oh I really need to go fishing!
Cathie, I have to ask, why was there a mirror in the guinea pen? I am just curious, didn't know if this helped them in some way. LOL It was driving me crazy wondering about it!
I hope the guinea gets to feeling better. I just had one of my Buff Orps get stuck under a metal colander I am using to drain their fermented feed. We looked for over a hour for that bird the night before. Next morning I was wondering what the colander was doing off its shelf and when I picked it up out popped Kingston, jabbering like crazy. Poor thing had gone through a light rain under there and looked like a drowned rat. I guess he had been trying to sneak some extra FF and it fell on him. He is fine now and running around. I brought him in and put him in a cage with warm mash and a heat light to dry off. He did not let me hear the end of it for some time and I am still getting glared at!!
Cathie, I have to ask, why was there a mirror in the guinea pen? I am just curious, didn't know if this helped them in some way. LOL It was driving me crazy wondering about it!
I hope the guinea gets to feeling better. I just had one of my Buff Orps get stuck under a metal colander I am using to drain their fermented feed. We looked for over a hour for that bird the night before. Next morning I was wondering what the colander was doing off its shelf and when I picked it up out popped Kingston, jabbering like crazy. Poor thing had gone through a light rain under there and looked like a drowned rat. I guess he had been trying to sneak some extra FF and it fell on him. He is fine now and running around. I brought him in and put him in a cage with warm mash and a heat light to dry off. He did not let me hear the end of it for some time and I am still getting glared at!!
Guineas love to look at themselves in mirrors. I read somewhere to put a mirror on their pen so they wouldn't fly up and sit by the house and poop all over the porch while they're staring in the windows. Here's my guinea mirror:

One of my Dominique roosters found it quite threatening.

Know what you mean about having enough tomato plants, planted about 70 myself and have had about that many more volunteers come up all over the place thanks to the chickens and turkeys, lots of green tomatoes and blooms going on.

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