***OKIES in the BYC III ***

I hate it when I wake up hurting, which is most mornings. But, I have been going through a stage lately where nothing much hurts except my messed up right foot (knock on wood). I feel for your knees!

I thought I'd give you all an update on Serama Sam and his big blue cochin friend. I figured out yesterday that the cochin is blind. For a while after I got her (?), I was afraid she was sick because she doesn't move around a whole lot and felt really thin. I've suspected for a while now that there was something wrong with her vision, and yesterday confirmed that she is nearly if not totally blind. Little Serama Sam has taken on the role of seeing eye dog, though. It's amazing. He never gets more than a couple of feet away from her and talks to her almost constantly.
Here's a couple of pics of the two of them. If it looks like Mutt and Jeff now, just think how it will be in 6 months when she has most of her growth!
Aww thanks for the update. Shane was thrilled when he saw the pics. He said "hey that's BillyClyde!" I told him he has a new name now. We are glad he's doing so much better there, and made a friend. He even looks healthier.
Aww thanks for the update. Shane was thrilled when he saw the pics. He said "hey that's BillyClyde!" I told him he has a new name now. We are glad he's doing so much better there, and made a friend. He even looks healthier.

He is a happy little feller now! But, the odd thing is that he refuses to have anything to do with any of the other chickens. I have a flock of youngsters-- bantam cochins, blue dutch, polish, d'uccles-- and he won't let them near his buddy, but doesn't interact with any of them other than that. I'm tickled to have him and he's pretty sure he owns the place now!
I hate it when I wake up hurting, which is most mornings. But, I have been going through a stage lately where nothing much hurts except my messed up right foot (knock on wood). I feel for your knees!

I thought I'd give you all an update on Serama Sam and his big blue cochin friend. I figured out yesterday that the cochin is blind. For a while after I got her (?), I was afraid she was sick because she doesn't move around a whole lot and felt really thin. I've suspected for a while now that there was something wrong with her vision, and yesterday confirmed that she is nearly if not totally blind. Little Serama Sam has taken on the role of seeing eye dog, though. It's amazing. He never gets more than a couple of feet away from her and talks to her almost constantly.
Here's a couple of pics of the two of them. If it looks like Mutt and Jeff now, just think how it will be in 6 months when she has most of her growth!

Aw! I'm so glad she has a friend.
That dog in the background is looking at the rooster like he's thinking: Those roosters sure are special!

Midnight is fascinated by the chickens. She is sure she is supposed to herd them. I can't let her out with them unsupervised because she'll just start circling them and get them all bunched up together. If they stay put, she stays put, but if one moves she's off to get it back. I've never seen her put her mouth on them, she's just obsessed with putting them where they belong. Except of course when I need her to help me round them up at night. Then she looks at me like she has no idea what I'm talking about. I need a real dog for outside!
"Redneck entertainment" LOL! That's true. That mirror has been a source of endless entertainment for me.

This video is of one of the male guineas fighting with himself in the mirror. He was bottom man on the totem pole and everyone else beat him up. He would wait until they all went inside to roost, and then he would fight his reflection until he gave up.

Not-Bob was much more entertaining with the mirror.

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