***OKIES in the BYC III ***

"Redneck entertainment" LOL! That's true. That mirror has been a source of endless entertainment for me.

This video is of one of the male guineas fighting with himself in the mirror. He was bottom man on the totem pole and everyone else beat him up. He would wait until they all went inside to roost, and then he would fight his reflection until he gave up.

Not-Bob was much more entertaining with the mirror.
Now that's right up there w/ chickie doo insect football!!!!!!!
I hate it when I wake up hurting, which is most mornings. But, I have been going through a stage lately where nothing much hurts except my messed up right foot (knock on wood). I feel for your knees!

I thought I'd give you all an update on Serama Sam and his big blue cochin friend. I figured out yesterday that the cochin is blind. For a while after I got her (?), I was afraid she was sick because she doesn't move around a whole lot and felt really thin. I've suspected for a while now that there was something wrong with her vision, and yesterday confirmed that she is nearly if not totally blind. Little Serama Sam has taken on the role of seeing eye dog, though. It's amazing. He never gets more than a couple of feet away from her and talks to her almost constantly.
Here's a couple of pics of the two of them. If it looks like Mutt and Jeff now, just think how it will be in 6 months when she has most of her growth!

just went out to feed and water, and darned if the broody i have been arguing with didn't leave her remaining egg on the nest and snuggle with her sister- so the egg is in the bator, it was cold, any chances for it- it is due to hatch

Guineas love to look at themselves in mirrors. I read somewhere to put a mirror on their pen so they wouldn't fly up and sit by the house and poop all over the porch while they're staring in the windows. Here's my guinea mirror:
One of my Dominique roosters found it quite threatening.

What a He-Man lol!!
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What are you looking for?
Egg layers?
Yard ornaments?
Bug eaters?
Friendly good looking

Small or Big birds?

For a small quite egg layer try a bantam Wyandotte or Bantam cochin, both are quite friendly, easy going and lay an egg nearly the size oif the large bird without as much of a feed bill.

Yard ornamants and bug eaters the door is wide open.

Well im mainly looking for just egg layers. Thats why i ended up getting 4 straight run Buff Orps, and 2 Barred Rock pullets(these are my little brothers). The Buff Orps ended up turning out two pullets and two cockrels. And of course its never the pullets that die..... the other day when my family was over celebrating my graduation the little cousins are obsessed with going out and getting in the coop and watching them and holding them.. little did i know they went out there without me and were just having a grand ol' time!! There are many mixed stories about how it happened but somehow one of my little pullets got a 2x4, that i use to prop up the coop door with, dropped on her head.. i guess she just flopped around a little bit and then laid there as the rest of them pecked at her. Me being in the house i could hear all these little kids screaming and they ran inside saying, "OH MY GOSH!!!! THE CHICKENS ARE EATING ONE OF THE CHICKENS AND THERE IS BLOOD EVERYWHERE!!!!!!!!!!! Thats when i ran out and found that they had killed one of my pullets.. i was less than thrilled... cause i live kinda toward the city on like 2 acres and soo i cant really keep roosters without making the neighbors mad. Sooooooooo yesterday i ran to Lumber 2 and asked, " what is the oldest chick you have?" and thats how i ended up getting a 3 week old Rhode Island Red to my little "flock." She's a pretty little thing.. i can already tell im addicted to this chicken keeping stuff..
I'm reading about this disease called Lymphoid Leukosis that virtually all Spitzhauben have because the original Spitz's imported into this country had it and that's where all our Spitzhauben came from. I was supposed to get some this week and I'm really just sick about this. Some of the same people who were in a panic over it 2 yrs ago now claim "it's no big deal". Yet all the info I'm reading about it suggests it's just plain stupid to knowingly expose your flock to it by getting Spitz's without testing them 1st. I wanted those Spitz so badly and now I'm too scared to risk it. If there's even a 1 in 50 chance of them passing it to my other birds it's not worth it to me. I wish I could find some sort of solid info on it but so far I can't. Mainly I'm finding factual articles warning against risking it and individual chicken owners saying "it's no big deal". I've read until my eyes blurred and finally came to the conclusion that there's nothing anyone can say to make me risk my other birds getting it (especially my Cochin girls!) so I'm going to pass on the Spitz. Which makes me ill to even say. It's passed from hen to chick through the egg. And any eggs that hatch along with those eggs get it. It's gradual and sneaky and most people don't even realize that's why they lose birds (as in the case with most diseases).
Am I just too much of a chicken? Or would you all risk it?

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