***OKIES in the BYC III ***

Okay now I'm confused. If every spitz has it for sure congenetically w/o any additional exposures, and you have spitz mixes already, then you already have it on your place anywhere chickens have pooped or come in contact w/ your spitz mixes. So if all your birds already potentially are carriers or have it, or are immune I don't understand your not wanting to get the other birds?? If your spitz mixes don't have it then it isn't a congentitally passed disease everytime and there are other spitz / mixes that also wouldn't have it. Since you can't hear inflection w/ the typed word, this is in no way smart allecky at all.
You're confused? So am I! Like I said-there's controversy about the entire subject. Also there's controversy about whether it's spread from rooster to hen and vice versa. It might NOT be spread in mixes if the father was the Spitz. See what I mean???? The problem isn't so much the disease itself-it's that every article says something different and every owner/individual says something different. That's precisely the problem I was having in trying to decide. I don't know for sure if these are Spitx mixes or Polish mixes I've got. The guy I got them from said the guy HE got them from claimed they were purebred, but they're most definitely not purebred Spitz (now that I've researched Spitz) and very possible may be Polish mixes.
Even if the 2 I have *are Spitz's, they've been kept in just the layer's yard, not exposed to all the other birds in all my other yards. I've thought of having those 2 tested in case they might be Spitz mixes. I don't think you're being a smart alec at all-I understand exactly what you're saying and it's all the same stuff I've asked myself. What I can't get past is *purposely bringing birds in who have it.
Just like that article Robin posted-I read that one last night (among many others). But there are other articles (and individual's opinions) that state things completely different than what that article says. It's sort of like-you ask 10 people and you get 10 different answers. THAT'S the problem lol
He is a happy little feller now! But, the odd thing is that he refuses to have anything to do with any of the other chickens. I have a flock of youngsters-- bantam cochins, blue dutch, polish, d'uccles-- and he won't let them near his buddy, but doesn't interact with any of them other than that. I'm tickled to have him and he's pretty sure he owns the place now!
He sure didn't get along with any other chickens here. They kept being mean to him. He has allot of personality. If he was out of food he would pace back and forth in his cage until he got some. One time I decoded to clean his water first. He looked at me and started tapping on his food bowl!
I'm fast losing my tolerance for "sniffles", too. How did you know your birds had mg? I've wondered about that.
I care more about protecting my favorites here and if that means some birds have to be sacrificed then I understand that. I've got my favorites (my 3 Cochin girls) and all the new chicks in a completely separate area than everyone else I had from last year. The Cochin girls have been separated since last fall as it is from everyone else. I'll do all I can for my favorites, but honestly-they're not all my favorites.
Midnight is fascinated by the chickens. She is sure she is supposed to herd them. I can't let her out with them unsupervised because she'll just start circling them and get them all bunched up together. If they stay put, she stays put, but if one moves she's off to get it back. I've never seen her put her mouth on them, she's just obsessed with putting them where they belong. Except of course when I need her to help me round them up at night. Then she looks at me like she has no idea what I'm talking about. I need a real dog for outside!
Better then my dogs. They break there necks if they get out of the chicken area.
I'm fast losing my tolerance for "sniffles", too. How did you know your birds had mg? I've wondered about that.
I care more about protecting my favorites here and if that means some birds have to be sacrificed then I understand that. I've got my favorites (my 3 Cochin girls) and all the new chicks in a completely separate area than everyone else I had from last year. The Cochin girls have been separated since last fall as it is from everyone else. I'll do all I can for my favorites, but honestly-they're not all my favorites.

I should have known better, honestly. I bought my first flock from craigslist when they were all 8 weeks old. The rooster had runny eyes and was sneezing. I asked what was wrong with him, and the guy claimed he had just cleaned the cage and there was a lot of dust kicked up and the rooster had "hay fever". Well, that was a lie. He got well, but would periodically get it again. I didn't freak out about it until we started having chicks the next spring and they were dropping like flies. I took some birds up to OSU for necropsy and the results came back positive for mycoplasma.
I can't figure out how! I mean, other than disabling this account and starting a new one. But that seems excessive.
nahhhhhh, aint excessive at all!

not like i would EVER do anything like that,

just a hint, you have to use a differant email addy, least that is what i have heard!!!

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