***OKIES in the BYC III ***

So then anyone who has ever had a mixed flock w/ a spitz or spitz mix also has this? Or anyone who has gotten any chicken of any breed that also had a spitz or spitz mix in the flock w/ any other chicken also carries it? Or almost any bird purchased at an auction that had a spitz or spitz mix or had been kept on a place w/ a spitz or exposed bird can have it or carry it? What I'm saying is it is out there and not just confined to spitz's anymore.

If it is going to keep you up at night worrying over it then don't get them, there are other birds w/ top knots, but don't kid yourself that if you don't get a spitz your (the general you not specifically you) flock hasn't been exposed if you have brought any bird into your place that has ever lived elsewhere or been to a show or auction.

So not meaning that every bird that has been to an auction, show or lived elsewhere has it or carries it, just that any of them COULD have/carry it.
mitzi, kass, and anyone else that just got all scared, any bird from any flock OTHER THAN YOUR OWN, has differant diseases than your birds do. the disease itself is the best medicine against itself. low level exposure is the best defense against the any disease.

as for "walking" a disease from one farm to another, most diseases die very quickly after leaving the host.

best thing you can do is quarantine your birds for a while.
That's what I was going to do the next time I had a death here!
How much did it cost??
Oh, my gosh. Probably about $160 total. I had to pay the vet to draw the blood, and that visit was $45 for four hens. Then OSU charged me around $100 to do two separate necropsies.
nahhhhhh, aint excessive at all!

not like i would EVER do anything like that,

just a hint, you have to use a differant email addy, least that is what i have heard!!!

Hm. . . lose all my cool post statistics, or have a cool name.
Jim, that might be a good philosophy for diseases that require an immune response but that's seldom the case in chicken diseases. Usually if they recover they become carriers and silently infect everyone else while the owners never do pin down what the actual cause was.
And that's the attitude I take with the majority of birds. But I've got the chance now to make a choice whether I should knowingly risk it or not and I'm choosing not to. It's not like I'm going to go through and test all mine that I have here. That's all I meant.

That's not bad for 2 birds. The local vet I use didn't have a clue and he said it'd be probably $150 for just 1 necropsy. I thought that sounded a little high.
Jim, that might be a good philosophy for diseases that require an immune response but that's seldom the case in chicken diseases. Usually if they recover they become carriers and silently infect everyone else while the owners never do pin down what the actual cause was.
And that's the attitude I take with the majority of birds. But I've got the chance now to make a choice whether I should knowingly risk it or not and I'm choosing not to. It's not like I'm going to go through and test all mine that I have here. That's all I meant.

That's not bad for 2 birds. The local vet I use didn't have a clue and he said it'd be probably $150 for just 1 necropsy. I thought that sounded a little high.

It was very difficult finding a vet that would treat chickens.

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