***OKIES in the BYC III ***

ok, silkie chicks are happily eating better feed, savachick in the waterr so hopefully that will clear things up-

loving this cooler weather, maybe get some outside work done now...:)

love the nest buckets!
Just lost my first chicken of the year to a skunk. It was my fault, didn't pay attention that she wasn't in the hen house when I locked the door. We had our revenge the next night thanks to a live trap and a .22.

Now if any of my Okie brethren have any pullets for sale please let me know I am down to just one layer at the moment and would love to add to my flock.
Welcome twindaddy, where are you located and what kind of chickens are you looking for or does breed matter? Lynn
Cowboy tomato price varies extremely! It depends on the local market. Chickasha they sell for $1 lb, anadarko $1.50 Lawton $2 & I hear they are going for $2.50 in Minco. I know they bring even higher than that some places.
The tomato market is pretty full right now. Everyone is having a good tomato yr. what I don't sell at market I sell here at home. Seems like at least once a day some one stops asking for tomatoes or okra. I don't have a sign out or anything. They just see my big garden & drive down the 1/4 mile driveway. I am sure the more individuals I sell to the more word of mouth visitors we get.
--- I do think my 2 girls help us sell alot of tomatoes. Many people even tip them for their hard work. Taron says people shouldn't be tipping her just because she is a kid. I told her to enjoy it & always say thank you!
Cowboy tomato price varies extremely! It depends on the local market. Chickasha they sell for $1 lb, anadarko $1.50 Lawton $2 & I hear they are going for $2.50 in Minco. I know they bring even higher than that some places.
The tomato market is pretty full right now. Everyone is having a good tomato yr. what I don't sell at market I sell here at home. Seems like at least once a day some one stops asking for tomatoes or okra. I don't have a sign out or anything. They just see my big garden & drive down the 1/4 mile driveway. I am sure the more individuals I sell to the more word of mouth visitors we get.
--- I do think my 2 girls help us sell alot of tomatoes. Many people even tip them for their hard work. Taron says people shouldn't be tipping her just because she is a kid. I told her to enjoy it & always say thank you!

Thanks for the info.
These are the 2 Cochins I've got together now and she *just started laying yesterday so I'm hoping she keeps it up. She came with the Brown Red boy that OkRaceFan has now.She's technically a Brown Red but the lacing on her neck is really faint. So I'm anxious to see if chicks between these 2 will be BBS or what. I put them together yesterday and by this morning she was following him around like a puppy :) I guess she likes him. My Black and a Blue Ameraucana girls will go in with these 2 also, I don't want him wearing this girl out. I wish I could find some good sized Ameraucana hens that have never been exposed to any other birds to put in with this group.
They're both pretty big, she's only 6 months and he'll be a year this month. I can't believe I hatched him from a tiny little egg and he's so grown up now. He was from my very 1st hatch.
Still not sure about husbands job. It's getting frustrating and worrying. We were hoping he would keep his job until November when we will have our car and our other loan paid off in full then income won't be such a big deal.

Picked three more butternut squash today, some long red chinese beans, and long green chilies. Also caught three of the blasted grasshoppers that keep eating my beans and eggplant. The turtles got a nice lunch. Oh and our sorghum is heading out!! I'm a little too excited I know but it's the first time we've grown it. Also finally noticed a zucchini on one of the plants. Hopefully it's just the first of many. And I got all my fall tomatoes planted, 36 of 7 different varieties.

Big news on the bird front ... our turkeys figured out they could fly! And fly they did ... right over the 8 foot high fence. Good thing I'm so smitten with them or we might be eating them a little sooner than planned.

And, last but not least, we finally got some rain. Not much but enough to make the ground wet and cool the temps down into the 70's for a while. Woo Hoo!!
I caught one of my Buff Catalana pullets doing a rain dance. If only she can tech the rest of the flock the steps, we might get a little relief form this heat.


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