***OKIES in the BYC III ***

It's only 1250 sq. ft. They'd throw us out of the McMansion HOA if we had one.

Oh that's your house sorry lol. That is pretty awesome. Probably stays cool in summer.
Thought I'd post a few pictures...
Spangled OEGB rooster Buddy...he likes to ride on my shoulder while I feed and water the flock. Of the 4 roos, he is the most personable and tame.

Annabelle and Delilah with their chicks.

The flock out freeranging. The two blues in the middle are F1 Cochin X saved for a breeding program .

More of the flock

and more

And an F1 Australorp x Wyandotte roo saved for breeding program. I have black wyandotte F1s that look like him.
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Good Morning Everybody!

I`m off to feed and water the birds and hang out with `em for awhile.
It`s going to be another beautiful day and I`m caught up on projects here so later this morning I`m going over and help a friend build a deck for his Daughter.

I hope y`all have a great day!

We're on our way out to clean up under the pecan trees. Looks like it will be a good harvest this year even with the drought. We have 50 trees on the home place and many on the land in Prague. We need to rake limbs and mow under the trees so the harvester can come in later to shake and vacuum the pecans. The trees are all native but some are really good sized and great flavor. The green hulls are splitting and we are seeing some beginning to fall.

It is also hay cutting time. The rains have encouraged a growth spurt on the meadows so we should get about 20 more bales for the hay yard. Every little bit helps when you are feeding 100 head thru the winter.

Going out to check feed and water and let all three pens out to free range. The dogs are on guard duty.

Hope everyone has a great day.
Do ducks normally get stuck on their back?
Went out to do my normal bird care before heading off to work yesterday and my scooter was upside down, stuck. It terrified me and when I sat him back up he was kinda weary. Had a spot on each wing where it looks like he struggled for a minute.
I washed the spots on his wings with clean water (didn't know what else was safe). Scooter acted just fine the rest of the day and today looks and acts fine today. The spots are smaller. Still a little raw looking though.
I just logged in and saw that I got a "5 Year Anniversary Award"! Aw yay, how special! Thanks BYC for giving us a place to hang out and talk about our birds. =)
Nana, your birds! I love it! They look so good and there's so many colors. All mine from last year are molting and OMG they look moth-eaten.

Elbert, it's so nice to hear from you every morning. I look forward to your morning greeting and the picture you post for the day :)))

Carrie, I've never heard of ducks getting stuck on their back before but that sure sounds like what happened. Poor little guy, that must have been terrifying.

I picked up a 5 month old pullet for one of my extra boys. I'm hoping to give each boy his own yard/pen and a couple girls. This girl is an Australorp/Brahma mix and she's really pretty-I like her a lot. The guy lives right down the road from me and he's got some really nice chickens, hatched them all at his place and they all looked so healthy. He has a Dark Brahma male that I swear almost came to my thighs! I had to pick my jaw up from the floor when that rooster came walking up, one of the most beautiful animals I've ever seen in my life, very impressive.

I've got the Craigslist add ready to post for 2 of my Araucana boys but haven't quite had the guts to post it yet. I'll post the picture here and ask again if anyone wants them. I don't know if I'll get the guts to post to Craiglist or not. If anyone wants them please speak up. I'll bring them to you or meet you.
Rumpless & double-tufted Black and rumpless Buff splash color.
McGuyver, if I don't have all my squares done on time for the crochet swap it is all your fault and I am throwing you under the bus on that thread!!!!!!!!!!!!
I so did not need to know about the ability to crochet Doctor Who dolls!

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