Okies in the BYC The Original

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HOwdy sir...

you having fun yet? You really need to get back to OK so i can pick you up on one of my road trips through OK! We could really cover some country in the summer! Only problem is we might end up with more birds than either of us could answer for! We could always get rid of extra roos at Monty's though...and there are enough cute little girls on here we could get rid of the fluffy chickens...and well...my boys won't let us get rid of the games so we are set
Yeah I know. I sure would like to! T told Greybear I was going to try and gather up as many game types as I could afford between now and poops2012 so I can bring a load to satisfy all you gamers! He was all for that!lol I gotta bring my g.pigs inside tomorrow night,its supposed to be in the teens for a couple of days and nights. I have a light on them in the shed but it won't be enough at those temps!Have to bring the three mice in too. My wife is not going to be a happy camper!
Birds are fed. Those that want to be inside are inside and the rest are roosting outside on top of a shelter. None of the pheasants have chosen to seek the available shelter and the turkeys and guineas and peacocks will roost outside even if it is sleeting. A few years ago one of the neighbors cautioned me not to allow the turkeys to roost on the metal pole at the top of the chain link fence, for fear of their feet freezing to the metal when it is wet. The turkeys actually sit on their feet and cover them with their body, so none have ever frozen to the metal. The only bird that ever froze to death got upside down in a tree and apparently couldn't get its leg untangled from the branch.
Sure, but you have already missed that bedtime. I see that you are still "online."

I went out to check on my chickens and the cold air woke me up a little.
My two silly Partridge cochin girls, Thelma and Louise, were roosting on top of the coop as usual. Doesn't matter to them if the wind, with a below zero windchill, is right on them. Their rooster was inside by himself. I have been trying for 4 mo. to get them to go in the coop to roost but they don't get it. On the up side; they used to be quite skiddish but all these weeks of handling them every night now they are quite friendly.
Thelma roosting during the day;

beautiful lacing! I used to have some Partridge rocks - they were pretty, but their lacing wasn't quite that distinct.
Do you always feed after dark P&B ? I used to when I worked. Now I get to do it during the day.
I counted 15 doves lined up on the electric wire over the wild bird feeder today. I only feed BOS and thistle,not for sure which one they like. I think its the thistle which surprises me. Darn BOS went up $4 since I got the last bag a couple of months ago. Glad it last a long time. I thought the chickens would like them for a treat but they won't touch them! Pigeons won't either.
Since I work at an office job and come home and fix supper before feeding, it does tend to be dark outside when I feed for most months of the year. I like it outside when it is dark - very peaceful. The only disadvantage is that I can't always observe the birds the way I would like, so I make it a point to feed and water a couple mornings a week before work, so I can see what is going on. With my Carhartt insulated overalls and jacket and the insulated Muck boots and insulated gloves, I was toasty warm even though the temperature is in the low 20s. there isn't any wind, so it didn't feel too cold. . . . until I got one hand wet while trying to get ice out of a rubber bowl in the dark - then it was time to be finished
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