*** OKIES in the BYC ***

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Swan eggs are about twice the size of a goose's, about like an emu. If you get me a pair of swans I'll bring you a pair of mini donkeys. Saw a mini paint Jack for $50 on CL yesterday. Can you imagine how much trouble you would be in when you came home with a pair of donkeys. About as much as I would be in for bringing home bigger meaner birds than the geese.
Hope he works out for you. It apears he's doing good so far. My pup is over his fear of the goats, he is cautious around the billy's though.
Hope he works out for you. It apears he's doing good so far. My pup is over his fear of the goats, he is cautious around the billy's though.
the chicks i got are yellow with 2 red strips going down thier backs and then some black ones with yellow spots on thier heads and chests with yellow tips in the wing feathers. any ideas what i might have???? any help would be great, i can figure out how upload a pic on here yet!
Yeah we would both be in hot water for sure!lol I figured they would be big after seeing the size of those birds. I have found some grown roman turrets geese for $32 for a trio,trying to decide weather it's worth the two hour one way drive,always thought they would be neat.
Missed you at Cement!

Decided it was not a good idea to drive that far with a bandage partially covering one eye. I had a good time talking to people at Newcastle, didn't pay much attn. to sale itself. Did miss talking to BYC'ers though.
Evening Peeps~

It has been a long day but a good one. Lil'Sooner had a great game, they played hard & finish in a tie with no score. I had a great time looking all of the the chickens at Lynn's! We had a great visit. Dakota & Little Heather were both so nice. I enjoyed getting to see & talk about planting with you. Once we got home I made two casseroles & got alot more done on the A Frame, it should be finished tomorrow. I think Lil'Sooner is painting it pink.
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