*** OKIES in the BYC ***

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Good Evening Okies.... Been a long day and I am so ready for bed. For everything I have done in the kitchen today it still is pretty clean. Got a few dishes to do and I will load them in a bit.

Some of the kids came over today, seen grandbaby.... She didnt want to go home, I like to have never got her out of my arms.
Missed you at Cement!

Decided it was not a good idea to drive that far with a bandage partially covering one eye. I had a good time talking to people at Newcastle, didn't pay much attn. to sale itself. Did miss talking to BYC'ers though.

Good call! But I really wanted to see pirate jim with the chicken on his shoulder.
Same here about the auction! Did pay attention when the polish and silkies came up though!
Wayne, I doubt you could get a trio of day old goslings for $32 - so I think you should go for it. Go get them tomorrow afternoon and then when you get them home you can figure out where to house them.
I looked up a picture of the roman tufted geese and they are cute with their feather topknot.
Decided it was not a good idea to drive that far with a bandage partially covering one eye. I had a good time talking to people at Newcastle, didn't pay much attn. to sale itself. Did miss talking to BYC'ers though.

Good call! But I really wanted to see pirate jim with the chicken on his shoulder.
Same here about the auction! Did pay attention when the polish and silkies came up though!

About a month ago I was at Okracefan's house, he was holding a white black tailed jap. pullet and it flew up onto my head and stayed there until I removed it a minute later. Had a cap on or it would not have stayed that long.lol
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Doc Henry - I see that you are from Georgetown. When I was considering attending the small college there (early 70s) there was almost nothing between Georgetown and Austin. Now, you can't tell where one ends and the other municipality begins. Of course, that is true once you get to Waco - there isn't very much highway between Waco and San Antonio that doesn't have a full access road of businesses of some sort.
Originally Posted by crestedchicklover
Originally Posted by nocityboy

Decided it was not a good idea to drive that far with a bandage partially covering one eye. I had a good time talking to people at Newcastle, didn't pay much attn. to sale itself. Did miss talking to BYC'ers though.

Good call! But I really wanted to see pirate jim with the chicken on his shoulder.
Same here about the auction! Did pay attention when the polish and silkies came up though!

About a month ago I was at Okracefan's house, he was holding a white black tailed jap. pullet and it flew up onto my head and stayed there until I removed it a minute later. Had a cap on or it would not have stayed that long.lol

Where is the pic of that??
P&B it is so true its all city from Georgetown to San Antonio and its really is pretty populated all the way from Waco we are still pretty rural at aour place but they are putting in a 4 lane road about 3 miles from our house so it won't be long and we will be in the city limits. Its kinda sad we were looking at the old survey of our place today and it shows an old wagon road that no longer exists nobody needed it when the pavement came so they just fenced it in, And that was in the 50's sometime.
I have a question about that goose I bought last night. I was looking for it on the internet and the only thing I can find is that it is a canadian. Can you get in trouble for having them?
Morning all. Have been wrestling with these four chicks I got a few weeks ago. Don't know what two of them are, so took a few photos and posted them on the What Am I string. Hope to get a response. They're feisty little things!

The CHUPS auction looks interesting. May go to the next one in May.
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