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what is the girl on the left- she is beautiful!!!

She is a Splash Blue Laced Wyandotte. There are two of those and then the darker ones Are Blue Laced Red Wyandottes. Did I get that right Stephanie?

So...does anyone sell the bantam version of these beauties? orrrr.... is there a bantam cochin of that coloring???
Do you have any good side photos of him?

verry nice pic
but i regret to inform you that STUDLEY DO RIGHT is not a new hampshire sorry

Third time is the charm...
We thought he was New Hampshire because we bought him with some pullets as chicks from a lady in Meeker. He is very mild tempered.

So what is he besides HUGE? The suspense is killing me.
what is the girl on the left- she is beautiful!!!

She is a Splash Blue Laced Wyandotte. There are two of those and then the darker ones Are Blue Laced Red Wyandottes. Did I get that right Stephanie?

You got it right, 2 splash BLRW and 2 BLRW. All pullets and still young but will fill out over time.
She is a Splash Blue Laced Wyandotte. There are two of those and then the darker ones Are Blue Laced Red Wyandottes. Did I get that right Stephanie?

So...does anyone sell the bantam version of these beauties? orrrr.... is there a bantam cochin of that coloring???

Both exist as works in progress, none are correct yet. The color was introduced to the cochin in the process of improving type on the wyandotte. niether breed quite right as of yet. We had the Bantam BLR wyandotte but sold them after hatching several very few of which were BLR.
My husband and my son say that if you know how many guns you have, you don't have enough. Suppose I could convince them that holds true for chickens as well?


Sadly, I think my husband and boys are aquiring guns at the same rate I am aquiring chickens. But guns are wayyyyyyyy more expensive lol
I am on my second layer too, I just did the top layer of tires, I left the bottom alone. I would strongly suggest using brownie points, or baking brownies as reward or something, it takes some effort, but us doable. More upper body strength would definately be better.

Can someone post a picture of this tire planter...I swear the old owner of this property collected tires, we have them everywhere and no way to get rid of them!
Would be great to find a use for them.
City, your girls are all settled in to their new homes. The four I am keeping joined my flock with gusto, immediately settling themselves in at the top of the pecking order.

Except the BO. She's too mellow for violence.

Speaking of pecking order, my wife who is a shop steward found out today at a grievance meeting that she has a reputation among supervisors as "The Dragon Lady". Anybody who knows her would find that hilarious. Even the HR director laughed.

But, I guess if you got to be feared for something, let it be for taking up for the weak and vulnerable.
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