Okkota the picky pot bellied piglet.


In the Brooder
Jun 27, 2016
So. My partner and I met up with one of his co-workers friends to pick up a piggy. His sow gave birth, he has fourteen already, and he was just determined to get rid of the piglets fast. Well. Okai. I've had pretty decent luck with baby animals and I can usually convince the pickiest eaters to at least give a formula a shot. Okkota. Is not having any of this nonsense. In fact. Okkota isn't having any of this people business either. I've read all I can on piggy behaviour. But I'm feeling like I'm still in the dark. Is there anyone out there that can help Okkota and me in this trying time for her? I know it was too soon for her to leave her momma. But we had to pick one of two evils - she was either going to someone that has a busy schedule and kids or myself - a stay at home "mom" to my furry family.
We picked up "All Livestock" formula that is used for calves, goats, deer, and pigs. I followed the directions to the letter; four scoops of formula for piglets, plus sixteen ounces of 110F water, mix thoroughly and feed as piglet prefers. I've tried a bottle and I'm trying a dish. I have "show pig" pellet feed that is there for her to try, but she won't have it. What are other piggy favorites to try to coax her into nibbling?
She also doesn't like her back touched. She'll approach me and snuffle at my shows, toes, and anklet. But if I try to pet her beneath the chin or her cheeks, she gets upset and throws her head to the side to shoo me away. And when I pick her up, she screams something awful. She's not in pain, she simply doesn't like being picked up. Should I continue to desensitize her or should she be allowed her way? I am not momma sow, so I'm trying my best to put up some gentle boundaries and rules.
Okkota has teef, too!! :O They're kinda sharp. She got my finger in one of her tantrums. She does have a small "dog" carrier she is confined to when I can't watch her. I have a heat lamp on her, a blanket inside and her dishes for food and water. But where it stands now, I don't know how to make food of any kind appealing to her. Never mind myself as a friend to her.
(Okkota is a feminine name derived from Okkoto of Princess Monoke. I know some people we see the similarity, so ta-daa.)

She doesn't look like a newborn pig, how old is she? Trying to bottle fed is always harder on a baby that has learned to nurse from the mother for more than a few days. Also, bottle fed piggies often have hard time being nice house pets. Not impossible to train and instill manners but much more difficult then when they are mother raised and allowed the socialization from their siblings. Good luck.
She is eleven days old, we got her when she was a week. I'm trying to help her shape up to be a decent house pet, she potties outside on her own and enjoys being near us. I know they say to allow a piglet some alone time so they don't rely on our attention at all times. And I try to allow her that freedom. She enjoys the cats, and the cats don't try to hurt her. Hopefully she can pick some habits up from them? I'm concerned more about her diet - or the lack there of than I am about her manners at the moment.

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