Oklahoma Poultry Shows

Hey, Blaine..... at least I think that's your name
Glad to see you around
"A life" is very elusive when I'm so busy with my birds
But, I still have plenty of other things to fill any spare moment with, like - Holidays, photography, school, reading, friends..... boys
Boys. *haha* I remember the days when I could put an 's' on the end of there. I guess I don't have a life. *ha*

Monty, I talked to someone on E-Bay that I'm thinking about buying from. They said that all of their breeds are pure, kept separate, and that their Self Blue OEG's are show stock or show quality. PM me if you want their e-mail.
Boys. *haha* I remember the days when I could put an 's' on the end of there.

I'm wishing I didn't have to!

So, are you wanting Game Bantams now, Cammie??​
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Oh, I just thought you were because you were telling BuckGuy abous Self Blues, but I guess you just enjoy browsing all breeds and you thought he would be interested in those

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