Oklahoma Poultry Shows

Ok good, thanks!
I'm so bummed, because when I get married we will move to town, and I will have to leave my chickens out here at my parents'.

egh - Is your avatar one of your Moderns?
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Actually, we are neighbors right now.
When I was away at college, he moved in next door. I didn't know it until I had been moved back home a while and he pulled me over one night.

I'll remember the babysitting offer, maybe while we're on our honeymoon. Almost makes me feel guilty, leaving the 'kids'. *haha*

Hey, are you going to the Pryor show?
I would like to go but I think Pryor is like a three hour drive for me, and that's a long drive to make alone.
What time does it start, and when are you going?

No, I didn't get a ticket thank goodness.
We haven't set a wedding date yet. We aren't going to have a big wedding, so there isn't really any planning other than the honeymoon. So maybe this spring or fall, when I'm in between school trimesters. We will just move into Chickasha; we live in the outer city limits now. Other than having to leave the cows and chickens, it will be a good thing. My school and his work are in town.
Oh how cute! I don't care for Moderns much, but those seem to have personality.
Have you shown any yet? Those pictures look good, you could make an avatar out of those!

By the way, who all is going to the Pryor show?

Okie, I think you need to just buy a bator! My atwoods sells them for $50; Country Store may be cheaper. I can check all our feed stores if you'd like. BUT... then you'll just be addicted and hatching all the time!
no i never did, i looked on the mgb club site and did`nt see them listed as members and if you gave me contact info for them, i have lost it. i`m real bad about writing something and then either losing it or throwing it away. when i go to the Pryor show i will be looking for the guy that i bought mine from [i lost his contact info too] or Mr. Ingram, both have real nice brown red moderns. yf egh

If you bought Moderns from back in the sale area those were Larry Milligan's ( older man), I believe Scott Kincaid ( younger with red hair ) also had some Brown Reds for sale else where.
You will find it tougher as time goes on trying to buy good exhibition quality breeding stock because most are trying to start their breeding pens right now and nobody wants to have to feed extra birds thru the winter. But good luck, and always try to buy from someone that has a good track record, just because some one wins at one show may not mean that have the best breeding stock for sale. What happens at one show is one mans opinion on that day, which is also why you shouldn't get down because you didn't do well on one particular day.

As far as the MGBCOA website- it hasn't been updated in a year and a half. Hopefully we can remedy that soon.

Oh, and by the way the Silver Blue Modern that one of y'all had a picture of in another thread, was mine.

Hey, Egh, try this for an avatar. I hope you don't mind that I used your pictures, but you still have the originals and I've been using my new PhotoShop CS3 on every picture I can find


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