Old and Rare Breeds

My major hen house is 12 x 14 and is deep litter on a dirt floor base. For the past 14 years I have added leaves and wood shavings to the floor and allowed the hens to scratch it all up. They crush up the leaves and mix it wit their own droppings. The heat from the composting layers underneath keep the house warm enough that I never have frostbite on hens or roosters. Each spring, I haul the mix to the garden and don't have to age it further. Then I haul in sandy soil for a new base. Each year I have hung a red light over the 7 gallon water container. If temps drop to the teens, then I will turn it on.
My major hen house is 12 x 14 and is deep litter on a dirt floor base. For the past 14 years I have added leaves and wood shavings to the floor and allowed the hens to scratch it all up. They crush up the leaves and mix it wit their own droppings. The heat from the composting layers underneath keep the house warm enough that I never have frostbite on hens or roosters. Each spring, I haul the mix to the garden and don't have to age it further. Then I haul in sandy soil for a new base. Each year I have hung a red light over the 7 gallon water container. If temps drop to the teens, then I will turn it on.
I have dirt floors in all my large coops. I use a deep litter of oak leaves. My coops smell like a forest floor, and the chickens love the deep litter of leaves. They shred them up, take dust baths in them and seem to relish spending as much time in their coops as they do going outside. They will even dig rather deep holes in the litter. I have to even the floor in some places as they turn the litter making hills and valleys.
I'd dub before I went thru all that crap. LOL.

Spoken like a true cocker!
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Has anybody heard of a rare chicken by the name of "Naine du Tournaisis" I saw the name in a poultry book today, but know nothing about them. I am intrigued and want to know more.
Thank you for finding that link! It led me to a breeder's club link and an informational site. I couldn't find ANYTHING on them. They sound like great birds. I might like to own some of those someday. And those Orlandsk Dwarf Chickens are beautiful too.

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