Old and Rare Breeds

I'm always optimistic about the weather.

When I was in Costa Rica I visited 3 volcanos. The guards at the gates going up the mountain said it wasn't worth going because the cloud cover wouldn't allow viewing of the crater. Each time, I said I wanted to go anyway and each time the clouds parted long enough standing at the crater's edge to get a lot of good pictures.

Yeah I try to be especially when you are as excited as I am about this show. I have not been to one in so long its going to be fun. I just hope the weather is decent enough that people still set up.
Quote: This was also said to us when we went to see the Grand Canyon. There was rain forecast for that day and it was heavily clouded as we drove there from the hotel. When we got there the clouds had broke and only a few remained. We even got to see what look like a thin small piece of cloud come up the side of the canyon wall.
I was pretty disappointed today with the Unifour show. Hardly anyone came and it seemed like there were only about 10 sellers outside. It was cold but there was nobody there. There were even cages inside that were empty where the breeders did not bring their birds. I only got my Dark brahmas and was hoping to find more sellers to buy from but came home with just a couple brahmas.
Sorry for you on that, but on the bright side of it you got some brahmas. And hopefully enjoyed your meeting with Wil. Once again I only got to say a quick hi to him, as he seems to always be helping someone out at the shows and can be hard to pen down.
Well Greenfire Farmers has just put to new chickens on their new arrival page. A variety of Kraienkoppe~~Gold Duckwing Kraienkoppe and a Austrian Composite that according to them was created in 1943 called a ~~Niederrheiner.
Im sure. Since NC changed their laws the birds for sale have fallen way off. I can remember when there were more birds in the sales yard than in the Show. And that was back when the Unifour had more like 1000 birds. Yesterday they had around 685. Still, this was the first time I had missed the Show in 12 years.

You should have just called me and come on down to the house. I probably have more birds that was on that sales yard. I know I've got more birds than was in the Show.
Im sure. Since NC changed their laws the birds for sale have fallen way off. I can remember when there were more birds in the sales yard than in the Show. And that was back when the Unifour had more like 1000 birds. Yesterday they had around 685. Still, this was the first time I had missed the Show in 12 years.

You should have just called me and come on down to the house. I probably have more birds that was on that sales yard. I know I've got more birds than was in the Show.

I bet you are right are all NC shows this way now? I remember what seemed like a bunch of sellers. I would have been better off going to the local auction.

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