Old English Game Crele Comb?


8 Years
May 17, 2011
Why is it in some online images they look like they have a single comb and in others it looks like there are no points "crowns" to it? Probably a dumb question but is this some sort of docking for show? Or are they supposed to not have those crowns?
Yes, they are dubbed for showing. The top part of their comb is cut off. If left undubbed, they have points just like any other single comb.
Yes, Old English for shows must be dubbed. If I remember correctly, that was done when cock fighting was around, and it stuck with them after it was named illegal.
Eww poor things! Ok I was wondering because my little banty has all of his crown and glory. I think I like the look better with comb intact! I dont plan on showing mine anyway.

Thanks fir the info!
That is incorrect. Old English Game Bantams were never fought. One of the main reasons they are dubbed as the small, thin single comb will get frost bitten very easily, and when that happens, it swells up, is very painful and may take weeks to fall off. The alternative is take 2 mins, dub them and within 2 weeks they are healed.
That is incorrect. Old English Game Bantams were never fought. One of the main reasons they are dubbed as the small, thin single comb will get frost bitten very easily, and when that happens, it swells up, is very painful and may take weeks to fall off. The alternative is take 2 mins, dub them and within 2 weeks they are healed.

Thanks for the info.
I'm no OEG guy....
No problem, just the assoc. of oegb with game fighters is something the oegb folks have been fighting for a long time.
Right there!

I agree, dubbing is a painful and scary looking thing to do, but it was done originally for good reason. I think dubbed American Gamecocks look better without their single comb, but I personally wouldn't get some for the reason that I'd have to be the one to dub them. I couldn't stomach doing it. I could see myself cropping a dog's ears or tail, but not a birds' comb, wattles, and earlobes.
Right there!

I agree, dubbing is a painful and scary looking thing to do, but it was done originally for good reason. I think dubbed American Gamecocks look better without their single comb, but I personally wouldn't get some for the reason that I'd have to be the one to dub them. I couldn't stomach doing it. I could see myself cropping a dog's ears or tail, but not a birds' comb, wattles, and earlobes.

I have dubbed 100's of OE bantams and do so on a regular basis, it does improve balance, body carriage, and helps a great deal in teh winter months. It is a requirement to dub male birds over 1 year of age for show, they do look better.
I often do this alone with no assistance and on aoccasion with someone else holding the bird. If done correctly they will make minimal fuss and very little bleeding.
This is not done in association of sporting events with the birds, it is healthier for the small birds than the alternative as well as truly improves the appearance and stature of this stately little breed.

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