Old Fashioned Broody Hen Hatch A Long and Informational Thread

Can you make a hen want to go broody, it seems like that would be the easiest way to hatch. I have the following hens, BO, Cochin, BR, Black Copper and Coronation Splits.
No, you cant really make them go broody. If you start leaving the eggs in the nest that might help them go broody sooner. Once a hen has a good amount of eggs she will want to hatch them.
Well congratulations, that was fast and happy to hear it worked out so good. love to see pics.
I don't know what to do. A little while ago I was out in the coop and upon checking I seen a chick mostly hatched, but it had a bunch of pine shavings all over it, they are the fine kind. I picked it up and thought about what I should do with it. i am afraid it might smother in all those fine shavings, and thought about bringing it in, then I decided to lay it back down and the momma started to peck at it kinda hard like, so I put it behind her under her. Should I leave it to her and just see what happens or should I intervene?
I don't know what to tell you marymac, it's really your call, once it's dries the shaving will fall off. And a couple of us were talking about mama pecking them but it must be a natural instinct don't know why. It will probably be okay mama chickens have been doing this alot longer than we have. and probably in worse stuff than shavings. I've got one still trying to get out of the shell. It's been working on it for most of the day and still has a long way to go.
I would keep an eye on it, sometimes hens kill the chicks for who knows what reasons (maybe there is something they know that we dont) so keep an eye on it. Once all dry she should not be pecking it anymore.
Well I just candled the last remaining eggs under my 2 hens and only one is good and it just hatched out. the other 6 eggs weren't even fertile.
should have known my bantam roo. wasn't able to breed with my Brahma hens. can't say he didn't try though. I looked on craigslist to see if anyone in my area is selling baby chicks because our 1 and only feed store doesn't get any, noone has any. So how will my little bantam chick be without sibblings? and my 1 hen that was sitting on Brahma eggs is now sitting on newly laid eggs from today, can she go another 21 days or should I just take the eggs from her. I am so sad for her especially.
If you cannot find chicks try to get fertile eggs from someone...most people who sell their eggs on Craigslist have a rooster and the eggs are fertile. I just did this 2 days ago (i dont have a roo) and my silkie is sitting on 6 barnyard mix eggs...cant wait to see what hatches!
My bantam eggs are fetile but I was hoping the roo was mating with the Brahma girls too, he looked like is was. guess he tried. I have looked on craigslist for chicks noone around here with in 50miles. so will keep trying to figure out whats best for the hen. Thanks for advise.

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