Old Fashioned Broody Hen Hatch A Long and Informational Thread

Some birds coparent very well, and others kill each other's chicks, and trample their own in the process. It really depends on the two individuals. If you decide to take the risk, it's kind of a take it slow, monitor closely, and be prepared to change plans immediately if it doesn't work out situation. Fisherlady has posted quite a bit about her two broody sisters that a coparenting the brood. Just go back a month or so on this thread. The pictures are adorable!!!

Thank you Sydney Acres, I will go and look for Fisherlady's post!
Rumples eggs are due to hatch any day now. I took the day off work just in case. I cant hear anything or see anything. She constantly growls at me and strikes like a viper.
I would swear that she is possessed. It rained all day long yesterday and some of the water dripped into the nest box. It was a quick fix. DH told me to come up with a plan for a new coop. I am so happy!!
Here is something odd. I went out to check on Rumples and my dog, Cody, took interest in the nest box. He looked at it intently and sniffed at it. He has never done this before. Does he hear something?? Smell something?? Chicks pipping I hope.
Ya, my hopes were up too early. The second, and THIRD girl who went in and pretended to be broody were just that. Pretending. So I bit the bullet and ordered and incubator. It should arrive by Monday. I ordered an IncuView, which has some pretty good reviews on a thread here. https://www.backyardchickens.com/t/852619/incuview-incubator

I don't feel too bad about ordering an incubator, as it will be good to have one hand as a back up for any future broodies who call it quits too soon.

Oh, I'm sorry.
Yeah, I have an incubator. My Cochin wasn't even laying when I needed eggs to start hatching in order to have my egg production where I want it to be this winter, so I built an incubator, but then I needed my heat lamp for other chicks, so I've been making modifications to a homemade 'bator a friend of mine gave me. I'm on my sixth hatch and it seems to be going well so far (but most of them seemed good all the way to the end, so I'm not holding my breath this time).
An incubator is a good thing to have around. (Being able to "work" it "right" looks like it'd be a good thing too. lol)
Today she abandoned the nest and rejoined the flock. Tonight I went out and cleaned out the nest. Only four of the 12 were fertile and they had stopped developing about 5 days ago. We had a super cold and windy two days which coincided with the death of the embryos. I don't know if that was the cause, but it is suspicious.

I have a three hen to four rooster ratio and I still have fertility issues. Anyone know if this is common with bantam cochins? The roos sure do "practice" a lot!

Are you saying you have three hens for each of four roosters (12 hens and 4 roos) or that you have literally 3 hens and 4 roos? (The second scenario would produce fertility problems; too many roos will knock each other off the hens too much.)
Cochins (of any size) can have fertility issues b/c of the fluffy bottoms. I don't remember where to trim on whom, but it's all over the bantam cochin thread.
Rumples eggs are due to hatch any day now. I took the day off work just in case. I cant hear anything or see anything. She constantly growls at me and strikes like a viper.
I would swear that she is possessed. It rained all day long yesterday and some of the water dripped into the nest box. It was a quick fix. DH told me to come up with a plan for a new coop. I am so happy!!

New coop dance:

Here is something odd. I went out to check on Rumples and my dog, Cody, took interest in the nest box. He looked at it intently and sniffed at it. He has never done this before. Does he hear something?? Smell something?? Chicks pipping I hope.

Who knows??? It's a possibility. Hopefully you'll know soon!!! =)
Well.. I now know what Cody was sniffing in the nest. I am heartbroken. I had 7 eggs. There are now 5 eggs. As I cleaned out some poop from the nest, I found this... Warning.. it is a graphic picture!!

It looks like a fully developed chick, but some how the egg was crushed before it was ready. The dried yolk sac is attached. I could not find the other egg. I do have what I think is a pip.

As soon as Rumples returns to the nest, I am blocking to coop. I want her to be safe.. I am so sad.
Well.. I now know what Cody was sniffing in the nest. I am heartbroken. I had 7 eggs. There are now 5 eggs. As I cleaned out some poop from the nest, I found this... Warning.. it is a graphic picture!!

It looks like a fully developed chick, but some how the egg was crushed before it was ready. The dried yolk sac is attached. I could not find the other egg. I do have what I think is a pip.

As soon as Rumples returns to the nest, I am blocking to coop. I want her to be safe.. I am so sad.
Oh, Hon!!! I'm so sorry!!!
, but mostly

I hope the others are alright.
It really does seem to take forever!!! I'll post pics after they hatch!
It might be the 22-23 when they hatch. I have four that will hatch then and I'll raise those myself. She has twelve under her so the eight that hatch after the first four will be hers. I just don't want the little babies to learn to be as unsocial as she is. :(

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