Old Fashioned Broody Hen Hatch A Long and Informational Thread

How's it going this morning Pharm Girl. Any updates?
Here is my broody girl, Chickie Mama. She was just Chickie until last year when she went broody. She had 5 five eggs, none of them hers, and hatched a single chick from the only fertile egg of the five. She was a great mother, so added the Mama. The current clutch has 14 eggs, haven't candled them but I'm assuming they are good because last time she kicked eggs out early that weren't any good. I'll do a count a little later and see if she "disposed" of any on her own. Should have chicks tomorrow!!!!

Hello All:

A question regarding my broody hen. Her eggs are due to hatch this Sunday. Throughout the course, I've been removing her briefly so that she can eat and drink and I can have the opportunity change the bedding. The question I have is that as she approaches the "finish line", should I back off removing her and just let her and the eggs be? I didn't know if there was a rule of thumb as to how many days prior to hatching you should just keep your hands off. Thanks for your anticipated help!!
How's it going this morning Pharm Girl. Any updates?

Little Nan and Arnelle are strong fighters. They were upset by the transfer to the brooder box, but the skunk mama helped them feel safe and calm down. They are doing well this morning and I may go get them a couple of buddies later today. I wasn't planning on having to raise them myself, but I've gotta do it! They are real sweeties though. Hopefully girls, but I have a feeling the yellow one may be a boy. Here they are!
The yellow is a lavender americauna/ white leghorn cross
The other is a red blue laced wyandotte




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Awesome Pharm Girl!

Question to all: How often (or do you) candle eggs under a broody hen? My hen is sitting on about 24 eggs, and I know they can't all be good - just wondering if its worth the fuss and time (angering her!) to try and candle them.

We're still early in the process, she's on day 7 or so.
buckaroo's wife, I have candled and I have NOT candled. It depended if I had time, if she wasn't cranky, if it was night time when I thought of it.
I have had excellent hatches under a broody. When I was hatching my own eggs, I enjoyed the surprises. When I hatched shipped eggs, I candled. Most were scrambled upon arrival, so I wanted to know what was going on with them. It really is what YOU want to do. Birds have hatched for thousands of years without our candling.
Sometimes, I'm just snoopy...
Pharm Girl, you did great!!! They are toooooooooo cute.
Is that a stuffed skunk? If so, I love it !!!! And you're right, you gotta raise them. You are their only chance at survival. You will be a great mommy.

buckaroo's wife, unfortunately, I have never candled an egg under a broody hen. I have been too lazy and I really should. Your hen is sitting on 24 eggs????!!!!!!!!!
WOW !!!!!! I'm kinda like you in thinking that I don't like to bother them as far as candeling them but it would kinda help her out to candle some of them to give her a little relief/room, especially if some are not fertile.
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