Old Fashioned Broody Hen Hatch A Long and Informational Thread

Esmeralda has had 1 lone chick hatch on Thursday I believe it was. She is still dutifully sitting on the 5 others as of this morning. I may pull the rest today and just let her have the 1. I believe I finally see a decrease in Smokey's fertility. He is after all, nearly 10. Hes such a good rooster, its so sad. He may live out the rest of his years with his favorite 2 hens in a separate pen. My back up roo is a little turd headed 2 year old who likes to bite. I will try to post a picture later today. Nothing is happening with Fern's naked neck olive eggs so maybe tomorrow. And silkied Serama Bridgette's I cant get to to check on, she went broody deep in some bushes...
We have chicks! EEEEPPP!!!!! My husband told me yesterday that he thought something happened to one of the eggs because he saw a broken egg and no chicks. He said he stood there for a while and didn't hear any peeps. I didn't bother to check since I had just gotten home from a birth myself but I should have known that he has no idea what he was talking about. I went out there this morning and three little fuzzy butts popped out from mama Yang! She is still sitting so I can't wait to see how many hatch! My second broody should have chicks in the next couple of days.
We cured our one rooster who had a biting problem...every time he tried to bite I would pick him
up and cuddle with him. He hated it, but he quit biting, and he is one of the tamest, nicest roos
we have now.
Hi. What kind of broody do you have? I have a Deleware and was wondering if you had the same. They look similar.

My broodies are sitting on a dud egg. I should have grafted some of the new chicks under them last night, but couldn't bring myself to do it.

My broody hatched 5 chickies a couple days ago. She has a bum leg. One chickie got squished after it was first hatched and didn't make it. This morning I found another chickie that appears to have been squished and didn't make it (it was 3 days old). I decided to take the babies away and give them to the other hen that just finished hatching 5 chicks.
The momma is now just sitting by the other momma's broody box, chirping to the babies.
I can't risk loosing more chickies to getting squished...how do I help momma get over not having chickies?????
This past summer i had a careless broody that went into the broody coop without her chicks, it rained hard that night and all the chicks died. She seemed quite depressed, it took over a month for her to start laying again. Your hen will eventually get over it, but for the chicks sake, do not give her back her chicks or give her new eggs.
I have finally been able to sit two hens. My big Roo passed away this year and the year old from him last year just could not seem to figure out what to do. My neighbor had two Roos and after a dog and an owl he was left with only three hens. I guess the girls decided that Samson was not ready and were waiting for a new suiter! I have one big black Cochin and put 12 eggs under her. She hatched 10 last year and stayed with them until they we 10 weeks old. I also has a Buff that hatch 4 last year and have put 6 under her. I have a new broodie house with 4 large nest boxes on the floor and lots of room inside - 12x12 - and they have their own fenced in yard with netting on top. I am so excited about the new place. I can walk by and look into the screen door and see them setting. So flat and comfy in these wide deep boxes. So here's to 21 days and momma teaching how to be good little chickes!
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Hi. What kind of broody do you have? I have a Deleware and was wondering if you had the same. They look similar.

She is an EE. I got her from a feed store so there is no telling what she is crossed with but she lays green eggs.

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