Old Fashioned Broody Hen Hatch A Long and Informational Thread


Didn't want to mess around to much this am cause it's sooooo cold.

Pulled out all the shells, no eggs left. I would guess ALL 8 have hatched!! Great job by Mary my 1 st time broody (tetra tint) .
here's a question that may be unanswerable: my basque broody is doing a great job on day 5 of her nest, wonderfully determined -- but i haven't moved her away from the rest of the flock (don't really have a good place to move her TO), which is working out fine, except that a few of the others keep adding to her nest. I'm usually able to take the extras out each day (the originals are marked) when she's off the nest getting some food, so it's not a problem.

here's the question -- next week i'll be out of town for a conference, tues-sat. my neighbor is going to fed the chickens for me, but he's new to them, and i don't know if she'll feel comfortable getting off her nest while he's there. so my dilemma is, a) ask him to TRY to look for added eggs & remove them, or b) just not trouble him with it & do it myself when i get home? the downside of (b) is that i'll be gone for 5 days, so she might end up with 20 or so eggs under her, instead of 10, & i'm worried she won't be able to keep them all warm? but (a) risks her getting scared & possibly abandoning the nest?

any ideas will be welcomed!
Any chance of having the neighbor come over a few times before you leave for the conference so he can go in with you when you take care of her? Our chickens don't seem to mind new folks as long as they don't do 'weird or scarey' things.
If he meets her once or twice and maybe gives her some goodies she may be fine about him being around.
As far as him gathering the extra eggs... he should be able to do that once (about the middle of the time you are gone) and it should prevent there being a problem. If he feeds her for a day or two without getting her upset then she should be better about the day he needs to get the extras. If he provides treats a short distance from the nest she may jump up to grab them and give him a chance to grab them. Just make sure to show him how the good ones are marked so he can see them quickly.
Any chance of having the neighbor come over a few times before you leave for the conference so he can go in with you when you take care of her? Our chickens don't seem to mind new folks as long as they don't do 'weird or scarey' things.
If he meets her once or twice and maybe gives her some goodies she may be fine about him being around.
As far as him gathering the extra eggs... he should be able to do that once (about the middle of the time you are gone) and it should prevent there being a problem. If he feeds her for a day or two without getting her upset then she should be better about the day he needs to get the extras. If he provides treats a short distance from the nest she may jump up to grab them and give him a chance to grab them. Just make sure to show him how the good ones are marked so he can see them quickly.

thanks -- i showed him everything yesterday, but unfortunately *he's* heading out of town this morning & doesn't get back til tuesday night, just after i have to leave. but i can email him suggestions re: all of this.

greatly appreciated!

Didn't want to mess around to much this am cause it's sooooo cold.

Pulled out all the shells, no eggs left. I would guess ALL 8 have hatched!! Great job by Mary my 1 st time broody (tetra tint) .

Awwwwww Congratulations! You did it.
I'm so excited for you.

Thanks Fisherlady!
More pic to come later today!!

I'll be sitting here with my popcorn.
So, no action since my one chick hatched Monday (of 8). Mama still hasn't gotten off the nest... do I need to help her with this? Should I give her one more day? I'm afraid the one chick isn't going to get the nutrition it needs... my kids dumped some feed in her nest the other day, so the chick may have eaten some of that, but it doesn't have access to water in the nest (it's too small to put anything in there). I hand-fed the mama scrambled eggs 3 times in the last 5 days, and have given her water every day by holding the chick waterer by her head in the nest. She pooped once in the nest and I scooped it out, but I really don't think she's gotten off the nest at all since Saturday. Should I take the chick out and show it water myself?
Yay, I think she's broody again! Here is another 26 weeks with no eggs from her. I don't have a clue what she is sitting on but it wont be a lot, probablies 2 fake ones and one or two real. I really think she I because it was 6PM when I went up and she didn't come out for food and when I touched her she puffed up and screamed at me. I know the nest box is a bit small for her so I am going to take the divider out so she has more room. Also, I plan to use my own eggs but I got 3 today which I brought home and want to use, will it be ok walking up there tomorrow and then leaving them to sit for 24 hours? I want to use 6 altogether but there is no garuntee that I will get 3 more tomorrow that wont be covered in yolk because I am having a bad crow problem, I do have some at home that I can use but they have been washed so can I use them? Now the big question is, can I trust my eggs? I have had no luck with them in the past but I have a new younger cockerel now. Here is a pic of the egg that I cracked open today, is it fertile?


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