Old Fashioned Broody Hen Hatch A Long and Informational Thread

Today, my six week old chicks are going to their new home. It is sad. I think I will miss them.
Broody with BY bird eggs is still going great. But had a chick hatch today but died. I didn't throw the dz under her all at once. was 2-3 day stretch. So wasn't exspecting any to hatch til 2nd-3rd. since thats hen I put the largest bunch under her 3 weeks ago. I think i left her with 1 on a Sat/Sun. Anyway I will be having another hatch soon I hope. She still devoted and if she fails at hatching I might have to get her a few chicks. SHHHHH don't tell wife. I have some hatched the 31st. But don't know how she will do with 4 day olds. Will figure something out she has been a great and pleasant broody from what I read from some peoples broody hens.
My first time broody adopted 7 week old chicks with no trouble whatsoever. We did the swap at dusk. My husband put a towel over her and lifted her off and held her, I cleaned out the old nest and rotten eggs. My daughter put the seven 1-week-old (incubater/heat lamp/never-saw-a-hen-before-in-their-live) chicks in the nest and my husband set her back on them and removed the towel. They snuggled in and she purred and fluffed over them. Here we are a week later and doing great. I never separated her from the flock. One time a crabby black orp pecked a chick on the head and it squealed and ran back to mommy. My rooster, Buick, came running into the coop, chased the offending orp outside, and proceeded to shriek at her. I never saw her bother a chick again. Good adopted daddy.

This is on day 2 when they came out of the nesting box and she made a new nest on the floor of the coop.

This is a week later (today) all are healthy and energetic!

And this is Buick, their Daddy-protector. He's my only roo. I sure hope he isn't shooting blanks because he's a great rooster. He'll be a year old in August.
Mama had 1/12 hatched... And another with half the shell off! It's killing me to not to go out and see what's going on now! So cute! She's such a good Mama! 2 year old buff Wyandotte!
I need to bump this up. Bobbieschicks any advice? My co-sitting Sizzles eggs did not hatch Friday Day 21 and today is Day 27. I didn't candle because they were tucked way under the nesting boxes. We, my sister & I, were not sure if they were fertile even though she does have a rooster. My question is what happens to my hens if I take the eggs? Will they be looking for chicks? It breaks my heart to have them sit for 21+ days and have none hatch.

I'm so sorry I haven't been on here for awhile. You probably already figured out a plan. I'll read the next several pages and if I don't see it I will chime in.
I have another broody! Her name is Diphie and she has 10 eggs under her. She is the queen bee of the flock. Hatch day is the first day of summer. I also put in an updated pic of Lacy and her 2 babies, Stanley and Abby.

This is my set up for broodys. I can move this cage to any nest box with ease. I call it the hatching suit. It has food and water. I let her out 1 or 2 times a day to poop and stretch.

This is her first try at this. She is a 11 month old Blue Wyandotte.
I do have an opportunity to get some chicks. DH will flip if I mention more chickens but I may be able to sell the sad mamas issue.

Okay I don't see it resolved yet so here's my advice. Take those eggs and dispose of them without opening them. They are duds for whatever reason. I don't open them because I see no point in doing so. If you're curious you can open the egg but be prepared to throw up if its gross. ;)

Then decide if you want chicks or not. If you want chicks or have room for them pick up a small number, try six, and put them under your girls. I did my egg removal/chick up under broody thing in broad daylight, but it's generally recommended to do it at dusk or evening. If you don't want chicks, don't get any.

Your broody will eventually stop being broody with the right conditions. No eggs left to sit on. No fakes hanging around to try and hatch. Put her out of the nest and maybe cool her down in a wired cage or cat carrier without bedding for a day or so.

She will not freak out and cry all night. Her mothering instinct will fade. She may cluck cluck for awhile, but eventually she will give up and return to laying. Topsy was easy to break. Bunny was still staying strong at 46 days and I wanted chicks so I got her some RIR chicks.

Chickens have a lot of personality, but they aren't humans and their instincts as mothers generally only last through a brief 7 week period, 3 for hatching and 4 for rearing, then they will peck away the little ones and abandon them to independence. So it's okay to use the sad momma angle if it will get you more chicks, but I don't think it's based on what's really happening in the broody's head, so don't let it bother you if you decide to break them instead.

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