Old Fashioned Broody Hen Hatch A Long and Informational Thread

OK .does it ever get better....
Chirping like crazy in the barn............................Cannot stand not seeing them..........
Started with 24 eggs so will be interesting to see how many make it.
I feel like a little kid I am so excited.. I just want to sit there and listen. but it is sooooo hot...................
I am telling you, if one more of my children ( ages close to 50) say anything bad about
my chickens again....I am going to tell them to" BUZZ OFF"

That will give them something new to talk about.....................

I have become the broody momma! Well for at least a few hours. (until its dark) (bring on night time already!!)
The chicks we got, got cold (inside in the AC) and so I am just letting them sleep in my shirt to get warm.
One is using my boob as a pillow

I hope to god this doesn't disrupt the bond/graft tonight!!

I am "Peppers" Mommy so maybe she wont mind her kids smelling like me? Cold is cold tho.
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Oh my gosh! What is with these broodies? I have only had my chickens for a year now, and all of my hens have gone broody at one time or another. And now the first to go broody is broody again! What the heck??
Well, sneaking out to check on chicks/babies this morning and she is sat on them.!!

I heard a faint little peep and she fluffed all up and moved around a tiny bit to adjust for something wiggling under her.

NOW...I have water and food for the chicks in there ...but ..she doesn't seem to be "letting" them get up?

She didn't get off the nest when I let the other girls out past her.

How long do I let her stay on the nest I am worried about the babies already having gone sooo long without water.

I gave them drops off my finger last night but ..they didn't seem to know what was going on.
Sorry meant to ask also how long should I keep her closed in her little pen with her babies before I let them out into the yard?
I have a question for someone with experience (I have little with broodys)

My 2 year old BO just hatched 3 Marans babies (Sunday-Monday). I have several of the Marans eggs in the incubator, and one pipped this morning. I set the incubator a day later, and this is day 22 for the eggs in the incubator. Is it too late to give her any babies that hatch? I was planning to slip them under her the first night after they were dry, but it has been a couple of days since she finished hatching her share of the eggs. I know, I should have given her all the eggs in the first place, but too soon old, too late smart.

I don't want to risk any babies that hatch in the incubator, but I would really like to have her hatch them.

Sorry meant to ask also how long should I keep her closed in her little pen with her babies before I let them out into the yard?
Good Moring,
You may already know it is normal for the chicks to stay under mom for a couple of days.............
They really do not need food or water for 48 to 72 hrs. They live off their yolk sack for that period of time.
When to let her out????????Every one seem to have a different thought on this.
I keep the broody and chicks separated for about 5 days so I am certain they know to come when Mom calls
and she has had a chance to teach them to eat ect..She might let you know when she is ready...............
Good Luck and have fun..........
I have a question for someone with experience (I have little with broodys)

My 2 year old BO just hatched 3 Marans babies (Sunday-Monday). I have several of the Marans eggs in the incubator, and one pipped this morning. I set the incubator a day later, and this is day 22 for the eggs in the incubator. Is it too late to give her any babies that hatch? I was planning to slip them under her the first night after they were dry, but it has been a couple of days since she finished hatching her share of the eggs. I know, I should have given her all the eggs in the first place, but too soon old, too late smart.

I don't want to risk any babies that hatch in the incubator, but I would really like to have her hatch them.

You will just have to try and watch closely........I read that the chicks imprint in the first 4 days............It will probably work.
I did have one situation where the hen would let the grafted chick under her but would not let it eat........I think it is more likely she will accept it.......

Hey please let me know how it goes if you introduce you bator chicks to the broody hen.
I have hen that just went broody with no eggs to sit on. She was laying good but then we lost our rooster and two other hens to coyotes (one of several assults) and I just moved the coop from our friends to our new place. it still needs work, a run etc.ANYWAY... I just ordered some new chicks (15) that should be ariving in a couple weeks. this would be very close to the 3 week incubation time. should I let her brood and then try to put her with the new chicks as mama? is that dangerous (of course it is, and needs to be supervised) but could that work? how would I orchestrate that arrival? would I put them all in a brooder box or a separate part of the run? I only have her and one other hen. Coyotes got the rest me flock.
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