Old Fashioned Broody Hen Hatch A Long and Informational Thread

Daisy has a baby! All I had to do was give her a bowl of food and she didn't care about how much I looked under her! Her eggs aren't due until tomorrow so teh other could still hatch and I think I heard faint pecking when I put it to my ear and I'm sure it moved!

My hen has raised her babies, they are now 5 weeks old. I have noticed her on her own, away from her babies a few times over the last few days and her comb is getting redder again. Just now as I walked past here she squatted for me..... I hope this means we will soon be back up to 6 eggs a day :)
I'll try to get pictures this afternoon..
24 SLW shipped eggs under two broodys...................whole lot of chirping going on
and I have seen several chicks playing peek a boo with me.........
I had the one hen that just would not quit trying. sat for about 60 days.. Had given her eggs twice and nothing hatched.
Anyway, gave her two eggs the other hens had set yesterday,eggs were chirping................
She has two beautiful chicks today and I swear to you.................she is smiling...........so happy for her............

I might be repeating myself................I am just so excited....................
Well here she is one hatched out ,4 bad eggs and 4 put in the incubator since this one hatched out way to early and she needed to get out of the basket she was in so the chick could eat and drink. One more hen to go well and the ducks as well.

It is a silkie/barred rock cross.

My hen has raised her babies, they are now 5 weeks old. I have noticed her on her own, away from her babies a few times over the last few days and her comb is getting redder again. Just now as I walked past here she squatted for me..... I hope this means we will soon be back up to 6 eggs a day
6 eggs a day

Readying it made me think you where saying she was laying 6 eggs a day.Then I read it several more times until it became clear.
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Ok BYC peeps. I'm REALLY new at this lol. I have a bantam EE who became broody day before last evening. She has been laying for 4 weeks. She is 24 weeks old. She had been hanging around the nests more the couple days before she planted herself. She laid an egg yesterday and I added one more bantam, and one smallish LF egg today. I'm pretty sure the eggs are fertile as she is the favorite of my Roos. So what is my next step? DH is super excited about babies and wants to see what will happen lol. I haven't seen her get up to eat or drink and it worries me a bit.
Ok BYC peeps. I'm REALLY new at this lol. I have a bantam EE who became broody day before last evening. She has been laying for 4 weeks. She is 24 weeks old. She had been hanging around the nests more the couple days before she planted herself. She laid an egg yesterday and I added one more bantam, and one smallish LF egg today. I'm pretty sure the eggs are fertile as she is the favorite of my Roos. So what is my next step? DH is super excited about babies and wants to see what will happen lol. I haven't seen her get up to eat or drink and it worries me a bit.
Sweet picture...................not much to do.. except be sure she and her eggs are safe . Also, if you have other hens laying. mark the ones she is setting on.
The other hens will likely lay their eggs in her nest...or mine do anyway...............
She will eat and drink as she needs it......my broody's are a little sneaky because I rarely see them do that.................I do see them
go out and stretch their legs every few days............Then just trust her. You may want to think about moving her nest to the floor before..no rush.
Good luck and have fun
Sweet picture...................not much to do.. except be sure she and her eggs are safe . Also, if you have other hens laying. mark the ones she is setting on.
The other hens will likely lay their eggs in her nest...or mine do anyway...............
She will eat and drink as she needs it......my broody's are a little sneaky because I rarely see them do that.................I do see them
go out and stretch their legs every few days............Then just trust her. You may want to think about moving her nest to the floor before..no rush.
Good luck and have fun

X2... its our first year with broodies (2 so far ) never had luck moving them though and they both hatched out in a nest box a couple feet up! Have fun its 20-24 days of waiting it out! (First hatch right on day 20 next hatch day 24 ).... Its so hard being patient!
(we did take out the other hens eggs, that is why you mark the ones she is "setting" on, so you can tell which ones dont belong)....

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