Old Fashioned Broody Hen Hatch A Long and Informational Thread

Has anyone had success with sex links going broody? One of my black sex links has decided to go broody now that my other hen has chicks. I've read other people had them not stay broody because of the breed. I've been trying to break her of it, but every day since Hermia started taking care of her babies on Sunday I have to forcibly remove her from her favorite nesting box which I have now removed. I would be tempted to let her try if I had fertile eggs but not if she just abandons them since being motherly has been bred out of her.
Do you ever have trouble candling the blue eggs? I only have easter eggers but I have more trouble with the blue eggs than the dark brown ones. I am new to candling and I was hoping you might have a trick up your sleeve about how to see through those shells. Are they usually hard to see into or is it just me?
This batch I bought from 2 different breeders. I see the air sac at one end and the rest is dark, so I'm hopeful. When we had a rooster and I donated the hatching eggs to the kindergarten, they were totally unable to see anything at all in the eggs when candling (free range as well as dark or green eggs), but then all 24 hatched perfectly. This is my first attempt at hatching, so good thing the mama broodies know what they are doing! The australorp is a setting machine. She doesnt move for anyone or anything. If you try to lift her out she holds on with her feet like I'm taking her to the chopping block instead of the fresh kale! All 11 eggs seem good under her.
Try some local eggs and see how she does.

Has anyone had success with sex links going broody? One of my black sex links has decided to go broody now that my other hen has chicks. I've read other people had them not stay broody because of the breed. I've been trying to break her of it, but every day since Hermia started taking care of her babies on Sunday I have to forcibly remove her from her favorite nesting box which I have now removed. I would be tempted to let her try if I had fertile eggs but not if she just abandons them since being motherly has been bred out of her.
I have been told over and over again how leghorns dont go broody/ arent motherly, and yet mine went broody an raised her baby chick just fine. I think that you should be fine putting fertile eggs under her. :)
One of my cockerels today killed a day old chick. The mother hen went outside followed by her 4 day olds. The newcomer stayed behind and one young cockerel killed it and ate it.
I do not know what to say.
Do chickens really do that?
Should the cockerel become dinner?
Should I have separated the hen? This time I left her in the run with everyone else and the first hatched are doing great. Now this......
What should I do? Or have done?
One of my cockerels today killed a day old chick. The mother hen went outside followed by her 4 day olds. The newcomer stayed behind and one young cockerel killed it and ate it.
I do not know what to say.
Do chickens really do that?
Should the cockerel become dinner?
Should I have separated the hen? This time I left her in the run with everyone else and the first hatched are doing great. Now this......
What should I do? Or have done?
I would make him dinner. That is not acceptable behavior from a cockerel.
One of my cockerels today killed a day old chick. The mother hen went outside followed by her 4 day olds. The newcomer stayed behind and one young cockerel killed it and ate it.
I do not know what to say.
Do chickens really do that?
Should the cockerel become dinner?
Should I have separated the hen? This time I left her in the run with everyone else and the first hatched are doing great. Now this......
What should I do? Or haFve done?
First...please don't blame yourself.....................who would have thought this would happen..........
The cockerel probably thought it was a mouse.............I'd get rid of him anyway,,
We all seem to do things a little different. I close my hen up with the babies for about 5 days before I let them out with the flock...My thoughts being it gives Mom time to teach the to come when she calls ect. My set up is in the main coop. Others do it differently.
I am really sorry this happened to you............
Well Daisy has pood all over herself and her remaining egg! Luckily the chick was spared! She is making a excellent mother so far, she loves the baby! She is on the floor with her remaining egg and I will give it until Monday to hatch. My dog stuck his head through the pop hole and she lunged forward for him but luckily for the dog, I pulled him out! I decided to dust her so thats why her comb is so pale on the pic alone. She went crazy and it went everywhere!

what breed is the chick?
Has anyone had success with sex links going broody? One of my black sex links has decided to go broody now that my other hen has chicks. I've read other people had them not stay broody because of the breed. I've been trying to break her of it, but every day since Hermia started taking care of her babies on Sunday I have to forcibly remove her from her favorite nesting box which I have now removed. I would be tempted to let her try if I had fertile eggs but not if she just abandons them since being motherly has been bred out of her.
My 3 year old black star is raising her 2nd brood right now that hatched July 29th. She went broody for first time last year. Excellent mother too! I kept 2 of her girls from last year & all 3 went broody within a week. Her girls are production reds. The 3 are all sharing motherly duties & doing great. There is the odd broody brawl, but chicks not harmed. Fascinating to watch them develop! You just never know until you try. Good luck!

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