Old Fashioned Broody Hen Hatch A Long and Informational Thread

We have a hen that steals eggs too. When she goes broody, she wants ALL the eggs. She will stalk the next boxes just waiting for another hen to lay and then she is right up there to steal it
tooooooooooo funny . I can visualize her doing that....would make a great cartoon...................
Have my first broody! Lil gamey-bantamy-mutty mix. She started sitting Mon-Tues, and I have slipped 5 eggs under her, last one today. I do have a rooster, but not sure how fertility is going to be because we've had temps around 105-110 all this past two weeks. So, who knows! However, we will see what we get. If nothing turns out by the end of next week when I candle (HA..or try to) I have chicks in a friends incubator that should be about 2-3 days old by the end of next week, to slip under her, in case.

Wish us luck!
Good Luck! My mama hen started brooding her eggs during our hottest week of the summer-we hot 119! We did lose a couple eggs but she has two healthy babies.
I recently hatched bantam eggs in jan. 2 turned out roosters, they started crowing so we gave them away, i cracked an egg for breakfast and their was a chick forming in the egg! I freiked, candled what was in the nest( i have a broody silkie that has been sitting on any egg in her box) one was fertile with the veins, so i put it back. Since they can lay fertile eggs for up to 10 days, should i incubate the late ones or let them add to her nest? Shes already on 6 of them. I,m going to mark the ones that are there now, so i can distinguish between the new ones. The fertile one i saw looked like it was on day 4-7?first time letting the silkie incubate, she was given to us because she was broody and not laying, i didn,t care cause shes so sweet! Any help would be appreciated, i wish i didn,t give my roosters away now, i didn,t see any mating and was hassled by their crowing....we aren,t allowed to have roosters or chickens as a matter of fact. I feel we should be allowed to have 4-6 egglayers without the law saying NO!
[COLOR=008080]OMG.............another hen that did not read the book..............
Orps go broody. RIR don't [/COLOR]
[COLOR=008080]Congratulations [/COLOR]
Right around her 1st birthday this year she went broody and now it's three weeks since she quit brooding and now she's at it again.

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