Old Fashioned Broody Hen Hatch A Long and Informational Thread


I went down to the coop this morning before church to check on her and she was outside.....I became nervous that she left the eggs. I came down around noon to find no broody signs, but dust bathing away. I took her and plopped her on the coop and she instantly turned her mama madness on

I thought it was odd how she was sitting on the eggs....she seemed to be standing lightly over them....I knew she was either doing so because of how hot it is outside and she didn't feel she needed to incubate them as much, or she KNEW something was on its way!

I had taken Cadbury and Woodstock back to the house to free range a bit and when I took them back to the coop I checked on marshie once again. I whistled a bit, but didn't hear anything. my sister began walking back to the house; not being amused by my egg obsession. once marshie got off the nest there was TONS of cheeping, and I screamed.....A PIP! ALYSSA THERES A PIP!!!!

so, the egg that I found had the internal pip yesterday (day 18) had finally pipped today (day 19). im guessing the extreme heat we have had boosted the growth a bit, but I still have to be very cautious in case the baby pips a vein.

I blocked the coop off from the other chickens, and put a baby waterer in there for marshie. I DONT want any birds bothering her eggs.....unlike my last pitiful broody hatch. SO tonight im moving her to the broody quarantine coop located INSIDE the run of my coop.


Is she eating at all? One heathy high fat, high protien treat that my girls love is dry roasted unsalted peanuts.

[COLOR=800080]She eats like a bird. Sorry, I couldn't resist. She breaks up the food for the littles and ingests a small amount of food, but she is more concerned about the babies eating. She is very thin and cant stand up straight. She hobbles if she has to move. I just gave her some oatmeal mixed with chick feed and some cooked pasta. I have some peanuts. I'll crush them up for her and the chicks. Thank you.[/COLOR] :thumbsup

No salt!

I hope the above link works. I only got 2 chicks out of 9 that hatched. One is a French Black Copper Marans and one is a FBCM mixed with a Red Sex Link. My mix is sooo cute and seems very friendly already. The link above shows how quickly they have learned to push their mama's buttons
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Today is day 21 for our broody. Can you feel the excitement?
A couple days ago I discovered our broody had cracked one of the eggs. The membrane was still (mostly) intact, so I put the egg in the incubator with our Jersey Giant eggs (due in two weeks). I've asked for advice here: https://www.backyardchickens.com/t/...n-what-to-do-advice-appreciated#post_13376792 but I think the truth is it's just a case of cross my fingers and hope for the best.

Anyhow, our broody girl has been very good for 21 days. She's still sitting on 10 eggs. I've got a good space set aside from the rest of the flock ready for them. The fermented chick feed is bubbling away. We're ready. C'mon chicks!

I hope the above link works. I only got 2 chicks out of 9 that hatched. One is a French Black Copper Marans and one is a FBCM mixed with a Red Sex Link. My mix is sooo cute and seems very friendly already. The link above shows how quickly they have learned to push their mama's buttons

Very cute, but way too short! That hen sure knows the sound of your voice.
The mother has been up today and trashed the shed! Kicked all the bedding into the water feeder too! These pics were taken yesterday that's why the bedding looks more neat!



Not very good pics but look at the little beak sticking out!


I went down to the coop this morning before church to check on her and she was outside.....I became nervous that she left the eggs. I came down around noon to find no broody signs, but dust bathing away. I took her and plopped her on the coop and she instantly turned her mama madness on

I thought it was odd how she was sitting on the eggs....she seemed to be standing lightly over them....I knew she was either doing so because of how hot it is outside and she didn't feel she needed to incubate them as much, or she KNEW something was on its way!

I had taken Cadbury and Woodstock back to the house to free range a bit and when I took them back to the coop I checked on marshie once again. I whistled a bit, but didn't hear anything. my sister began walking back to the house; not being amused by my egg obsession. once marshie got off the nest there was TONS of cheeping, and I screamed.....A PIP! ALYSSA THERES A PIP!!!!

so, the egg that I found had the internal pip yesterday (day 18) had finally pipped today (day 19). im guessing the extreme heat we have had boosted the growth a bit, but I still have to be very cautious in case the baby pips a vein.

I blocked the coop off from the other chickens, and put a baby waterer in there for marshie. I DONT want any birds bothering her eggs.....unlike my last pitiful broody hatch. SO tonight im moving her to the broody quarantine coop located INSIDE the run of my coop.


All the best to you and her and the babies!!!
I like the names of your chickens: Cadbury and Woodstock, especially. =)

Today is day 21 for our broody. Can you feel the excitement?
A couple days ago I discovered our broody had cracked one of the eggs. The membrane was still (mostly) intact, so I put the egg in the incubator with our Jersey Giant eggs (due in two weeks). I've asked for advice here: https://www.backyardchickens.com/t/...n-what-to-do-advice-appreciated#post_13376792 but I think the truth is it's just a case of cross my fingers and hope for the best.

Anyhow, our broody girl has been very good for 21 days. She's still sitting on 10 eggs. I've got a good space set aside from the rest of the flock ready for them. The fermented chick feed is bubbling away. We're ready. C'mon chicks!

Yes, you're right, pray or cross your fingers (which ever you subscribe to) and hope for the best.
Good for her!!! Yeah! C'mon chicks!!! =)

The mother has been up today and trashed the shed! Kicked all the bedding into the water feeder too! These pics were taken yesterday that's why the bedding looks more neat!



Not very good pics but look at the little beak sticking out!

So excited for when my broody hatches out some babies!!!
I set 8 eggs under a broody on Friday afternoon. This will be our first hatch ever. I'm so excited! Ms Broody-butt (the boys nicknamed her) has been sitting for almost 3 weeks so she is very determined to hatch some chickies. She even moved into the dog crate that I'm using as a broody box without the slightest fuss or stress, she was just so calm and settled especially when she realized we were giving her eggs instead of taking them.

So how do I do the count down? Would Friday be day 1 or would Saturday be day 1? Also, when should I candle them to see the magic happening?
Set Friday, Day 1 Saturday is the way I do it...first 24 hours is day 1.

Candle at 5 days then 10 days. (3 days is often too early to see anything well, by 7 days you often are past the clear stage at 3 days).

At 5 days, you should see a small "peanut" in the middle and a tree branch of veins coming out from 2 ends.

At day 10, you'll see a large dark blob and air cell at one end...unless you purchase good candling equipment...I just use a dollar store LED and my hand cupped around the egg holding it so I can candle looking down on it with the light shining from below. Candle in a dark room or by the coop at night.

Since you mention boys are involved, here's a fun embryo development video I like to share with the kids I teach, as well as a 4H unit that really makes this a fun family educational adventure.

4H unit (free for download) http://extension.oregonstate.edu/catalog/4h/4-H1500theincredibleegg.pdf

And of course a good candling chart (I never see the clarity they get in this chart as I use inexpensive equipment):

And signs of 'quitters"

Have fun!
Lady of McCamley
The mother has been up today and trashed the shed! Kicked all the bedding into the water feeder too! These pics were taken yesterday that's why the bedding looks more neat!

Of course she did...she is up teaching those incredibly healthy chicks to scratch and be chickens...it is amazing how soon the broodies have the babies up and running around...sans heat lamps...they have those little down jackets zipped up and mum to pile into for warm ups and naps....just like the kids playing in the playground then running to mom for warm ups.

Enjoy them...this stage goes fast. :D

Lady of McCamley

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