Old Fashioned Broody Hen Hatch A Long and Informational Thread

new chicken keeper question,my little silkie rooster has started roosting on the top of the milk crate/nest boxes at night.is this normal.could it be a protector kind of display?

It could be a protective display, or even just an attempt to stay close to a hen if you have a broody in the boxes. Silkie types often like to sleep together in a pile or cuddled together on a wider platform than normally used for roosting... so he may be more comfortable on the wider surface also.
Halleluliah, I was worried that my broody hen's eggs hadn't hatched yet... I went out to the hen house and she's clucking away and tapping eggs and I hear a chick talking back to her!!! <3
I'm annoyed about my phone camera going a bit blury, but look at the chick on her back!
Thanks everyone!

I FINNALLY got her to move to a better spot I raise chicks. I also have 2 eggs on day 15, to late to move them?

My broody is very nice. She has a mean look up her but she's only growled lightly and she doesn't peck lol. How does a small bird mange to steal and cover 12 eggs? :p
This morning when I went out to check on my broody Marans (who is sitting on 10 eggs all due to hatch today) I found a little peeper peeping!! What a nice Mother's Day present for her and me! And another one starting to hatch open. I promised myself no more checking under her!! When they are all out and about I will take a picture! Isn't is amazing that the chick hatched on the day it was supposed to with no problems unlike using the incubator?! That's Mother Nature for you.
Happy Mother's Day Stan. Only 2 of 14 eggs hatched. She is happy though. My question is I have a bunch of 1 week old chicks in the brooder. What are the chances she will accept 4 of them? She is a first time mom.

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