Old Fashioned Broody Hen Hatch A Long and Informational Thread


Look what a found. I had hatch day as the 14th. I don't know how many more.
When one of my hens hatched a clutch of chicks four years ago and showed me how much she loved and cared for her chicks, and how much her chicks loved having a mother, I've used broody hens to renew and build my flock. My motto has ben "every chick deserves a mother".

That said, hens aren't always perfect incubators or mothers. But for all the failures along the way, having hens hatch and raise chicks is great. The chicks get to sleep in the dark under the warm feathers of a mother. You don't need to worry about heat lamps, keeping the chicks away from the other chickens, or bother with chick-starter.

One problem if the broody hens refuse to be moved to a nest away from the other hens, is that during the day, other hens may lay eggs to the clutch. So I can know which are the new eggs, when I start a broody hen with a clutch of eggs, I date the eggs with the expected hatching date. Then when the broody hen is off the nest for her daily business, I can quickly see if there are any additional eggs and remove them.

In the last four years I've had at least 25 clutches hatched this way. Last year I had hens hatching chicks all the way into December. This year they started in March and I'm on the 7th broody hen and her chicks should hatch May 18.
My broody seems to be eating her eggs!
I have never had this happen before. Any experience with this issue? Will she stop or continue to eat them until they are all gone? Thoughts and advise much appreciated.
OMG I'm a sucker!! I went to the feed store for supplies, and they had bantam assortments. Well... I got 3 Belgian D'Uccles, and one GL Cochins.
Since they're banties, I'm going to try to slip them under the hen when her eggs hatch, because even though they'll be a few weeks, they'll still be tiny. Oh, and the hen's getting meaner!! Wish me luck.
OMG I'm a sucker!! I went to the feed store for supplies, and they had bantam assortments. Well... I got 3 Belgian D'Uccles, and one GL Cochins.
Since they're banties, I'm going to try to slip them under the hen when her eggs hatch, because even though they'll be a few weeks, they'll still be tiny. Oh, and the hen's getting meaner!! Wish me luck.
If yo do that, be sure to monitor them VERY closely. Even if the hen accepts the chicks, chicks that age may be terrified of a hen. Since they didn't imprint on a hen in the first 3 days, they may not see her as Mama. They may see her as some gargantious thing with feathers and try to hide from her. With neither brooder heat nor mom's feathers, they may get chilled at that age.
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If yo do that, be sure to monitor them VERY closely. Even if the hen accepts the chicks, chicks that age may be terrified of a hen. Since they didn't imprint on a hen in the first 3 days, they may not see her as Mama. They may see her as some gargantious thing with feathers and try to hide from her. With neither brooder heat no mom's feathers, they may get chilled at that age.
Oh I will! The way they act though, I think they'll be fine, they'll actually snuggle up against you if you hold them! One is sleeping a lot, but it's been a rough day for them. I think mama hen will accept them too :)
Well I guess I will join this thread too :) I currently have my rescued sebright sitting on 6 eggs. 4 silkies, 1 bearded duccle, and a d'uccle/silkie mix. She is 4 and from what I have managed to learn has never sat before. She was so determined I couldn't not let her do it! The whirling dervish description I read is incredibly appropriate for her right now lol I will try to get a photo of her on the nest tomorrow, but just for fun here is what she looks like without hormones running wild...

She is set up in a nesting box and I plan to just let her do her thing there as she is very protective and is at the very top of the pecking order.
Hey everyone I need help now!! So as I posted the other day my Seabright had a 100% hatch but I just noticed there are mites in and around the brooder her and the chicks are in!!!! can I use Seven 5 or what??!! The chicks are just a couple days old

You can use Poultry Dust (Permethrin) on mom and young chicks. Just dust mom and the chicks will run throuhh her feathers.. I also use Orange Guard on the wood itself which is essentially orange oil and does a decent job of repelling pests. I just discovered that ants had set up a huge nest under the egg box insert in the hutch...I swept out the nesting area and sprayed with Orange Guard then put in clean shavings. Ants are gone and babies are fine.

I don't think I would use bleach unless you let it dry and air well...chlorine has harmful fumes.

Lady of McCamley

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