Old Fashioned Broody Hen Hatch A Long and Informational Thread

We had three chicks this morning. One was dead, hanging over the side of the nest. One was under her and one had already fallen to the ground and was lodged between the fence and the tin panel of the coop. She's still sitting like this, and they're under her butt which makes it easy to crawl and fall over.

I now have hay directly under this nest set up, so if she does get them down today, hopefully she will lay there. There are two more eggs that I'm not sure about, so hopefully she stays long enough for them.... Every time a chick moves out from under her, she puffs up and clucks to them.
Congrats on your two babies! Your hen is very cute.

My broody originally started sitting in a box similar to the one your hen is in. I feared the chicks would fall out after they hatched, so I moved the hen to a different box with her eggs. It took her about 3 days to "remember" how to get back to the eggs, but it all worked out well. Do you have some place you can move them to after the other eggs are finished?
Well her half of the coop is blocked off from the others. It's a dirt floor, but I can put as much hay on her side as needed. I have a chicken tractor, but I feel that leaving her where she is might be the best thing. I originally tried moving her to the tractor, but she wouldn't stay with the eggs there. This was her chosen place lol! I'm really not sure what to do. Where she's at is not secure because any chick that falls out will get cold or fall to the ground. I will check them often today. The hen was not happy when I put the chick that fell back in the nest with her. She even pecked the chick. I could move the whole bucket to the ground tonight, but if a chick crawls out, it won't be able to find her. I have a brooder box with a wire bottom that I've always filled with hay when I have bought week old chicks in the past. I just worry about stressing her out and causing her to leave the other eggs.
And by the way, the chicks are so cute!! They're both a creamy yellow/tan. Father is a new hampshire colored barn mix and mothers are EEs. i have to get pics soon!!
Well her half of the coop is blocked off from the others. It's a dirt floor, but I can put as much hay on her side as needed. I have a chicken tractor, but I feel that leaving her where she is might be the best thing. I originally tried moving her to the tractor, but she wouldn't stay with the eggs there. This was her chosen place lol! I'm really not sure what to do. Where she's at is not secure because any chick that falls out will get cold or fall to the ground. I will check them often today. The hen was not happy when I put the chick that fell back in the nest with her. She even pecked the chick. I could move the whole bucket to the ground tonight, but if a chick crawls out, it won't be able to find her. I have a brooder box with a wire bottom that I've always filled with hay when I have bought week old chicks in the past. I just worry about stressing her out and causing her to leave the other eggs.
And by the way, the chicks are so cute!! They're both a creamy yellow/tan. Father is a new hampshire colored barn mix and mothers are EEs. i have to get pics soon!!
Probably wait until the eggs are done to move her. She might like to go to the tractor after she has all the chicks hatched. I moved one of mine to my outdoor tractor/coop when the babies were 3 days old and they were very happy out there in the grass. I brought them in at night since I worry about predators getting in the little coop. The two that have already hatched should stay in the box with her until the rest have hatched.
We have 3 again! I thought the first two were just yellow, but they appear to have a bit of blue on their backs. The third looks to be bluish/black. One for sure has puffy cheeks! Still have one more that I'm not sure on. There should actually be two more eggs that haven't hatched, but one I know for sure won't because it didn't show appropriate development on day 14, just forgot to take it out. Her butt is still raised though, so maybe something is happening! So proud of Mama Buffy. They're all getting hot though. I have a small fan going to circulate air, but she's definitely hot.
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Ok four have hatched and that's all I'm expecting. Should I move her nest to the ground or secure where she's at so they can't fall to the ground?
Ok thanks everyone!!! I am already in love with those little ones! Just like I was when I bought my first batch of chicks! Buffy is doing great with them, and has already growled at them for venturing too far. Pics to come soon!
Ok four have hatched and that's all I'm expecting. Should I move her nest to the ground or secure where she's at so they can't fall to the ground?
I moved my broody into a dog kennel with her chicks. They were very happy in there. I would definitely move them if you are not expecting the other eggs to hatch. Put some food and water so it is accessible for the chicks.

My second broody didn't get a dog kennel and it was harder to put them up for the night. I'm going to get another kennel for when I have more than one broody!

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