Old Fashioned Broody Hen Hatch A Long and Informational Thread

I found a hidden nest behind one of the nest buckets. I think it's one of the cream legbars since it's blue eggs, but I also have ameraucanas. There're 10 eggs (11 since I added 1). Do I just leave it there and maybe she'll decide to sit on them?
Broodies don't seem to be particular. I'd go ahead and leave it. I put nine under my broody hen and she sat on them right away.
How do my girls always know? Yesterday, I set six CCLs and eight Isbar shipped eggs in the incubator. Tonight, Tillie, one of my black Cochins decided to go broody. I went back inside, pulled out five of today's laid eggs and stuck them under her. It's nice to have the belt-and-suspenders situation of both, but their timing always amazes me.
How do my girls always know? Yesterday, I set six CCLs and eight Isbar shipped eggs in the incubator. Tonight, Tillie, one of my black Cochins decided to go broody. I went back inside, pulled out five of today's laid eggs and stuck them under her. It's nice to have the belt-and-suspenders situation of both, but their timing always amazes me.
You could always put some of the shipped eggs under her...LOL.

But, you're right. They always know somehow. Mine has done the same thing, I set eggs and then I find a broody.....sigh.
Ok, I've already run into an issue, and I don't know what to do! I moved my broody into the broody pen last night, but this morning she had turned over the nest trying to get out, and was over all just making a ruckus. I let her out, and she VERY promptly went onto the nest that I had removed her from. I decided just to put the eggs from the broody nest back under, and she took them. She's been laying on them quite happily since then. Anyways, two questions: because the eggs were barely sat on last night, are they still viable? I put them back under her because they're special eggs from a few breeds that I really want. second question: because she refuses to remove herself from the layer coop, if I shut her in, would the other hens just give up, and lay in the other two coops that I have? I don't want the layers to bother the broody. I had that problem last year...
How do my girls always know? Yesterday, I set six CCLs and eight Isbar shipped eggs in the incubator. Tonight, Tillie, one of my black Cochins decided to go broody. I went back inside, pulled out five of today's laid eggs and stuck them under her. It's nice to have the belt-and-suspenders situation of both, but their timing always amazes me.
I know! I have the same issue. It is amazing.

Yesterday I went to get the eggs under a hen, with GLOVES ON, as this hen is not very nice. She had gone broody! She saw a spot between my glove and sleeve- POW! I still have a red welt this morning. Not looking forward to moving this hen. She is not nice at all, but a great layer.

Who's next!

I'm having skunk and hawk problems. Spending the day putting up aerial nets over various runs and putting in a ground level hot wire. Skunk came in and ATE 3 of my chicks. I have a trap out. Last year we shot 2. One in the hen house when I found him midday napping off killing all 19 of my broiler chicks and the other in the chicken yard at night looking for eggs. Those pens are bullet proof, but are my breeding yards. I actually came upon the red tail hawk IN the layer yard eating one with one that must have had a heart attack close by, poor dear.

Nature is quite something to work with!
I just heard peeping from Ebony's nest!!
won't be long now

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