Old Fashioned Broody Hen Hatch A Long and Informational Thread

Is this is the the first peak by chick
Yep, that's a pip. It can take a while between pip and zip/hatch, though.
It can take up to 24 hours from pip to zip. Best thing to do is to completely leave it alone and let it hatch on its own. (A common newbie error is to think they need to open the egg, which can kill or injure the chick.) There are still some things that have to happen int eh shell before it's ready to come out (it needs to absorb the yolk into its abdomen, and the veins in the membrane up against the shell need to absorb - it can bleed to death if the shell is pulled off too early.

There is some really great info here - read the various links. It's a lot of info, and it's aimed for folks who use incubators rather than broodies, but it explains some of the stages.

Educational Incubating and Hatching - notes and links

- Ant Farm
Well my broody was sitting on 15 eggs o e hatched on the 17th so she quit sitting on the eggs my luck another hen decided to go broody and sitting on the eggs yesterday she hatched out 2 more chicks so I took them and put them with the other one that had the chick so that she will stay on the nest to hatch out the rest so far I got 3 chicks
Well my broody was sitting on 15 eggs o e hatched on the 17th so she quit sitting on the eggs my luck another hen decided to go broody and sitting on the eggs yesterday she hatched out 2 more chicks so I took them and put them with the other one that had the chick so that she will stay on the nest to hatch out the rest so far I got 3 chicks

You must have had a staggered hatch? I never allow a staggered hatch---all my set eggs hatch at the same time and the hen comes off the nest with all the chicks/fertile eggs hatched. Makes it a lot simpler.
Yeah I forgot to number the eggs to get the fresh ones out everyday but they been numbered since Saturday so hopefully I won't have that again
Marking them is definitely a good idea if they are brooding in the nest boxes.
I just draw a line around the middle of the eggs, and then we check for new eggs every day, every other day at most. It makes it much easier to check. Just gently lift the hen a little and quickly look under her for any eggs without a line. I was going to post a picture of eggs, but I don't have one. This picture I took when we were giving her eggs, and you can see the lines on the eggs there.

No peak on eggs except one and this is the 20th day....... Any suggestions my broody hen is sitting on them asil.
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