Old Fashioned Broody Hen Hatch A Long and Informational Thread

As stony says they don't have a calender or a watch so. That is so precious, love it when the chicks stick their heads out of mamas feathers..
Congrats on selling your house.!! and when you go to move mama do it at night and close her up so she won't get disorented. I'd get her eggs down to 10 or under. good luck!
As stony says they don't have a calender or a watch so. That is so precious, love it when the chicks stick their heads out of mamas feathers..

yes I do say that, and Congrats!
Yeah...Thanks so much for your good thoughts...I took the plunge and of 17 eggs (I don't know HOW there could have been so many...) I did the float test someone spoke about...of the 17 only 6 floated so I cracked the non-floaters and all were just yolks. Of the 6 floaters two are peeping...there are little cracks in them and you can hear the peep peep peep....

Now the mamma is more comfortable (with 11 less eggs) and the others should be out by tonight or tomorrow...I have their non-medicated chick crumbles and little chick water dish ready for them. I hope the other big girls don't attack them - oy, chicken business is so stressful! Glad I'm retired, I'd never be able to obsess about them.

As soon as they show their pretty little beaks, I'll take pics!
As stony says they don't have a calender or a watch so. That is so precious, love it when the chicks stick their heads out of mamas feathers..

Such a cute picture of the little heading popping up on top!
As stony says they don't have a calender or a watch so. That is so precious, love it when the chicks stick their heads out of mamas feathers..

Such a cute picture of the little heading popping up on top!

Congrats on the peeps will be looking for those pictures

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