Old Fashioned Broody Hen Hatch A Long and Informational Thread

My BO girl went broody two weeks ago and I stuck a few more eggs under her and when she finally got up to eat and poo she had 16 under her. Two have broken and she is down to 14 now and holding. I ask on here what a ballpark clutch amount was and got 12. I guess putting them all under her is better than tossing them unless another girl shows signs of wanting them.
I had a welsummer hen she had 26 eggs non hatched, the year after she went broody and had 8 eggs? and she was broody in a nesting box in the shed she was hight in the pecking order so didnt get booted off day 19 what happened? she got off her nest and my stupid other hen stood on her egg (wich was the only one that had a chick in, i was very upset!
She did it....Spazz is a mommy!!!!!
Woke up this morning and found that 2 out of the 3 eggs hatched!!!!! Still hoping #3 is going to reveal itself soon!!!! She was awesome about letting me get in there are see and touch them. They are soooooooo stinking cute, I am utterly in love

Here are a few pictures!




Well "Big Mama" ( LF Cochin) is hatching out six eggs today. Due date is today. I candled them and all but one has internally pipped. So glad she went broody when she did. I had them in the incubator for 6 days and the power kept going out. I quickly tossed them under her. Post pictures when I can.
Awe cute babies Sue. We luvs those babies!

I thought I was done, but Stoney has been sending broody vibes through my computer and I found 2 more broodies today. I had to take more eggs out of the fridge. My 2 mottled cochin sisters were stuffed in one box sharing 1 egg. So I guess I have broody #10 & #11. I gave them some polish eggs, 2 brown eggs, and a few more cochin eggs. 6 for one girl and 7 for the other. I am setting them up in the garage instead of the dining room this time, so they don't get to warm being in the house and will be able to be ok when they go back to the coop. I thought my cochin group looked a little smaller today.

Mtcookie.. good luck on your hatch. Sending you good hatching vibes.

John.. Sorry about your baby. It can be so disheartening when stuff like that happens.

Go Broodies!!
thanks and i was devistated because at first i tahguht it was hatching so i got so excited but obviously it wasnt
Johnn.. Is your hen still broody? Maybe you could slip her a few eggs if she is. My blue cochin sat 2 clutches in a row last year. She refused to get up after the first clutch so I gave her more eggs. I made sure she ate and drank well and after the 2nd clutch, she was finally done.
this was a few month a go and she died about 3 month ago
i feel bad because she never got what she wanted wich was to be a mam

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