Old Fashioned Broody Hen Hatch A Long and Informational Thread

Wish my hens would go broody
Ive tried for 3 yrs. I had a game hen that tried but always gave up after 2 weeks waited for 3 or 4 days then went broody again. Even asked online for a broody hen to buy. Only had 1 person respond with an old hen he said was a good broody hen but she look so worn and old i did not want to pay what he was asking $20. So my quest continues. Hoping to ask again on craigslist to see if someone has something next yr.
Hope you can find one mamato3 it's such a great experience waiting and then watching mama and chicks. Maybe in the spring you can find someone willing to part with a broody, I just gave away 5 hens to a fellow BYCer wish we were close I would love to share. I have some great broodys
If a hen lays her eggs during cold weather, will they be okay when she decides to sit on them? It has been in the 30's at night here and Chocolate is just starting to want to sit on her eggs. I think there are six eggs, one egg a day for about a week.
The eggs aren't old but it has been pretty darn cold!

I was just wondering.
Thank you. I am not too hopeful about them hatching. Some rolled onto the ground overnight. But, if she wants to go broody, I will let her as she just seems to really want to, LOL. Hopefully she can be my good broody next year. I am preparing her a pen today so she cannot take off or get pestered by the other hen.
Today I got my brooder box ready and was prepared to take the injured chick from Mom, but he seems to be putting his foot down now and she's watching over him much better. He keeps that foot kind of curled up like a fist, and when he does set it down the one toe? Claw? Talon?? Ummmm, whatever it is, it folds under still. I've pictured myself splinting it with toothpicks, what do you think? He's now 9 days old.
They don't start to develop till she sits for real anyway so you have an excellent chance she will hatch some. Hopefully all. Keep us updated on how it's going. Way to go Chocolate....

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