Old Fashioned Broody Hen Hatch A Long and Informational Thread

ML any new babies at your house yet??

Don't know yet Tripp, haven't looked in on her. Been too busy watching baby ducks having fun.
eggs in 2 bators.

I have Sumatra eggs that went in lock down the other day. 1 egg pipped as of this am. I have 8 Runner duck eggs that go on lock down Friday, and more sumatra eggs to hatch on the 19th and 4 more Runner eggs to hatch on the 26th
And Penelope the runner should begin her hatch around May 23- 25th.

Look at that face..
[not yours stony] Penelopes.
The 2 pingpong balls have been removed and Topsy scooped all 4 silkie eggs under herself and settled down. Thus starts the countdown - due on May 22! The rest of the eggs went into the bator to see if any of those hatch. I haven't had the best success lately with the bator. Seems humidity was way off last time.
The 2 pingpong balls have been removed and Topsy scooped all 4 silkie eggs under herself and settled down. Thus starts the countdown - due on May 22! The rest of the eggs went into the bator to see if any of those hatch. I haven't had the best success lately with the bator. Seems humidity was way off last time.

for Topsy!!
I just discovered last night that some of my birds have lice,
so I'm going to have to dust them and the coop. I don't see eggs on all of them, but even 2-3 is enough to make me treat them all. I brought in straw to add to the run when it was super muddy this spring, I'm thinking that might be the culprit, I've seen others report as much. I'll have to rake all the straw out of the run when I clean out the coop.

Does that mean a no-go for my broody? Even if I dust her now before giving her eggs, I'll need to re-treat in 10 days, by then she would be on eggs. I'm guessing dusting her with developing eggs under her would not be a good idea? Would that affect the chicks still in the egg? I really wanted a broody to raise some babies for me, but I want to start them off well. I've been reading that it would still be safe to eat the eggs after dusting the chickens, but I don't know that advice applies to eggs being used for hatching as well.

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