Old Fashioned Broody Hen Hatch A Long and Informational Thread

That refrigerated one mey be viable Trader Joes Eggs are kept at about 45 degrees for several days and there are people who are hatching them.

deb "back to lurkdom now
none of my hens will go broody one did but never hatched any ... but i want it to happen but none will my silkies and astrloups or astralorps are to young to hatch any so any ideas how i can trick them in to going broody ??? people can do it but idk any ideas ??? that would be great and the eggs are fertilized so i have no clue any suggestions will be tried thanks
If you have silkies then you just have to wait it out, before you know it you'll have broodys galore
Hey guys I have a question. So I have six eggs set that orignally had one broody hen sitting on them. Well I now have 4 (and a half I guess) broodies. The eggs are due to hatch this weekend and I don't want the mom's to fight over them. I have a big dog crate that I can move them into. But should I even bother? Should I try to make a pen around the nest box instead? What if the hen wants to get out of the pen and won't take care of the babies? Please help!
Boo hoo..Lucy killed and ate two of the chicks...I know it was her .... I went out side to restart and fuel the generator and she went into the top of the brooder. They were sound asleep and not making a sound...it's my own fault for not zipping the top closed, and she's a very young dog...and obviously not to be trusted....but I didn't even 'think' just went....now only two black and one yellow left....darn it all. She just earned a night outside, and maybe forever at that.

Oh my goodness, that is sad. I'd give you a hug if I could... :(
Hey guys I have a question. So I have six eggs set that orignally had one broody hen sitting on them. Well I now have 4 (and a half I guess) broodies. The eggs are due to hatch this weekend and I don't want the mom's to fight over them. I have a big dog crate that I can move them into. But should I even bother? Should I try to make a pen around the nest box instead? What if the hen wants to get out of the pen and won't take care of the babies? Please help!

I built a temporary pen around my broody. Just some chicken wire and some PVC to hold it up. I didnt even glue the joints on the PVC The chicken wire held it together.

Thanks chick in the burbs, just mad at myself really...all was quiet too...well, it's getting dark and I can't put off moving poarch broody now that the coop is ready..I'm sure soon there will be too many chicks, but they are all special, each one.
tomorrow the egg i gave melow should have hatched so im locking the other hens out the shed for a few hours and i will test her to make sure she looks after it, also when my orps chick got out from under her she started pecking it? is that normal?

Yes, she'll peck them to keep them in line. Just she shouldn't peck enough to kill it.
Boo hoo..Lucy killed and ate two of the chicks...I know it was her .... I went out side to restart and fuel the generator and she went into the top of the brooder. They were sound asleep and not making a sound...it's my own fault for not zipping the top closed, and she's a very young dog...and obviously not to be trusted....but I didn't even 'think' just went....now only two black and one yellow left....darn it all. She just earned a night outside, and maybe forever at that.

Oh I'm so sorry. These things happen. Dogs are dogs after all. Don't beat yourself up over it and poor Lucy was probably wondering why you would be mad since she was just doing what dogs do naturally. Hugs.

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