Old Fashioned Broody Hen Hatch A Long and Informational Thread


She was too busy brooding I gave her enough space for the feed and water and a dust bath proably about three feet by two. Then once the chicks hatched the wire kept them contained till they were a few days old the chicken wire I used was one inch. But I put cardboard around the base so no one squeezed out. worked good like a broody lid....

Oh and I made just a simple wire door on the top to access food and water.
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none of my hens will go broody one did but never hatched any ... but i want it to happen but none will my silkies and astrloups or astralorps are to young to hatch any so any ideas how i can trick them in to going broody ??? people can do it but idk any ideas ??? that would be great and the eggs are fertilized so i have no clue any suggestions will be tried thanks 

Yep, the easiest way to get a broody is to not want one. There are no short cuts. They go broody when they feel it's time.

You can put false eggs or leave eggs in heir nest, but that won't force them to be broody.
You can buy breeds known for going broody frequently but that won't guarantee they go broody.

Hope you get the broody you want soon. :)
Hey guys I have a question. So I have six eggs set that orignally had one broody hen sitting on them. Well I now have 4 (and a half I guess) broodies. The eggs are due to hatch this weekend and I don't want the mom's to fight over them. I have a big dog crate that I can move them into. But should I even bother? Should I try to make a pen around the nest box instead? What if the hen wants to get out of the pen and won't take care of the babies? Please help!

Give two eggs to each of the hens you think will be the best moms, give one egg to each of the other hens.
Thanks bobbieschicks, I am trying to move on with it, and for sure that won't happen again..your right, if you don't need or want a broody, there they are! I had to really scramble to make doors for the next broody flat to get poach broody confined (and safe) working off generator power in the heat...but at least now all three broodies are safe in the coop. And timing! A week ago I could have slipped the babies in with pepper a nd her kids, but now she'll not take them. Well, I have one tiny chick that is always by himself hanging around the coop...maybe he'll buddy up to the orphans. Hope so.
Ok everyone, wish me luck! I will be swapping the eggs about 430 tomorrow morning. I started resting them about noon, so hopefully 16 hours will be enough. It's as long as I can wait without going two days. I tried candling a few but honestly beyond a few detached air sacks I can't tell what I am looking at. Is there any way to tell from the get go if there are any infertile ones in the mix? Or should I just check them in a week to see if there is development?
She was too busy brooding I gave her enough space for the feed and water and a dust bath proably about three feet by two. Then once the chicks hatched the wire kept them contained till they were a few days old the chicken wire I used was one inch. But I put cardboard around the base so no one squeezed out. worked good like a broody lid....

Oh and I made just a simple wire door on the top to access food and water.
Thanks! I'm going to build it all tomorrow.

Good luck chick in the burbs!!!
Here is momma with the one that lived so far. Not a great pic but I had to stick the camera in the dog crate lol. You can just see the little black chick poking its head out.


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