Old fashioned Broody thread for ducks 2013 edition

Is everything ok where you are Farmboy?
i lives like 15 mins away from where the fire was so im okay i don't know if its still going or not but i hope its out
That has to be so scary, we live smack dab in the middle of the woods and during dry season we always know the possibility of forest fires, but thank the good Lord have never had one close. and as wet as we are now don't think we have to worry about any anytime soon. We have turned in a rain forest. I hope the fires are out and everyone is safe.
Wow, Farm Boy, I hope everything is okay where you are!!

Everyone's posted such beautiful birds. What an exciting time of year!

Right now, we have Seelie, our single Buff Orpington and only broody gal, laying on a nest of three eggs. She's been laying on a Muscovy egg for a couple weeks now and recently an Ancona, Blinky, has added a couple eggs.
I've marked all three and will collect anything added from here on out. I'm thinking of moving the new eggs back to Blinky's usual nesting spot.

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thank you guys and everyone is okay there was one person that got hurt that i know of a fire fighter ... i have a saxony that is broody how many eggs do you guys think a saxony can hold under her ?? i said before she has 15 eggs but i don't see her get off the nest much only when im gone but hses only been sitting on the eggs this will be the 2 day for her first time momma to .. i have a good hatch rate with her eggs to not many die unless the eggs are a little old shes been gathering eggs for 15 days so she has 15 eggs under her
Wow, Farm Boy, I hope everything is okay where you are!!

Everyone's posted such beautiful birds. What an exciting time of year!

Right now, we have Seelie, our single Buff Orpington and only broody gal, laying on a nest of three eggs. She's been laying on a Muscovy egg for a couple weeks now and recently an Ancona, Blinky, has added a couple eggs.
I've marked all three and will collect anything added from here on out. I'm thinking of moving the new eggs back to Blinky's usual nesting spot.

Wow, Farm Boy, I hope everything is okay where you are!!

Everyone's posted such beautiful birds. What an exciting time of year!

Right now, we have Seelie, our single Buff Orpington and only broody gal, laying on a nest of three eggs. She's been laying on a Muscovy egg for a couple weeks now and recently an Ancona, Blinky, has added a couple eggs.
I've marked all three and will collect anything added from here on out. I'm thinking of moving the new eggs back to Blinky's usual nesting spot.

thank you guys and everyone is okay there was one person that got hurt that i know of a fire fighter ... i have a saxony that is broody how many eggs do you guys think a saxony can hold under her ?? i said before she has 15 eggs but i don't see her get off the nest much only when im gone but hses only been sitting on the eggs this will be the 2 day for her first time momma to .. i have a good hatch rate with her eggs to not many die unless the eggs are a little old shes been gathering eggs for 15 days so she has 15 eggs under her
Probably be a good idea to move newest eggs if you want ducklings from them.. Seelie is so pretty.

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