Old fashioned Broody thread for ducks 2013 edition

Yeah she is sitting tight this morning hasnt moved an inch. Hasnt pooped since Monday
You should try to get her off this afternoon or you could have a mess in her brood crate. and what did you do with those 3 eggs? and thought I'd give you this, since you really have it bad. https://www.backyardchickens.com/t/618185/raising-geese-101#post_8210407
I am wondering if I should bring the tv out for her so she has some entertainment while sitting there lol
im kidding. I wonder what they think about while there broody though.
Do they think?
where is my next meal coming from? do these feathers make me look fat?. and just why am I sitting on these eggs anyway? I've thought of a radio before. They probably won't watch TV their kinda in a trance. Some soothing music might be nice though. a few candle scatter about.
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Do they think?
where is my next meal coming from? do these feathers make me look fat?. and just why am I sitting on these eggs anyway? I've thought of a radio before. They probably won't watch TV their kinda in a trance. Some soothing music might be nice though. a few candle scatter about.

Well, my previous baby abandoner ( of a lone duckling) hatched out 15!!!!! I thought 6-8 but 15!! Technically 16. I got home this afternoon and checked her nest and there was a baby in there, still in the shell, with ants swarming out of the hole it had made. I brought it inside, helped it out and got the ants out. I am hopeful that it will be okay and I can put it outside tomorrow.

I still can't believe that she was able to hatch out that many. I had been having a problem with my younger drakes and twice found her off the nest with the eggs scattered around and kind of chilled. The extra drakes went to the freezer and apparently all was good.

So introducing, Pink and her babies. She had better not abandon these.

congrats ther lovely!
Keirys, what a pretty couple you have there!!

jdywntr, congratulations!!! Update on the ant-baby?

Do they think?
where is my next meal coming from? do these feathers make me look fat?. and just why am I sitting on these eggs anyway? I've thought of a radio before. They probably won't watch TV their kinda in a trance. Some soothing music might be nice though. a few candle scatter about.
My last count is over 25. I now have 2 sitting.....one full time. I think the other is in there to help. They are beginning to hiss at me when I try to intrude and count. I will try to get to them while they are out in the pond but one of them is sitting full time. She only comes out and eats (which is right by her nest and water) and drink. It looks like during the day while I am gone she is sitting in the water I have outside the nest because it's full of poop. By my calendar she has been sitting for 10 days. HOW MUCH LONGER!!

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