Old fashioned Broody thread for ducks 2013 edition

Ok Miss Lydia didn't know this thread was here........
Hey all!

15 Scovy girls, think all on nests, 1 done - this one started hatching yesterday and still going today.......

Here's my momma on the job.

Farmers only worry during the growing season, but towns people worry all the time.
My duck tossed out an egg, it was the same egg from a few days ago. I went ahead and opened it its was fertile. I dont know if I can handle another 30 days of this, I am so excited!!!!!!!
Keep the cats away? I know my girl is most likely to kill a cat if it gets near her babys. Flogged the shi.... Outta my hound dog one time thing would go to the other end of her chain to get away from it!

Farmers only worry during the growing season, but towns people worry all the time.
Cats are dealt with. Had an old shed over a root cellar I spent last weekend finishing clearing out and setting up as a nursery. Funny enough another broody duck had snuck in and built a nest that I had to work around. Turkey mama had walked up with a trail of new polts behind her at feeding time - it was a free for all between the cats and I snatching them up from each other. Managed to save 9 and set mama and babies up in the nursery. She was kind enough to accept the 3 ducklings I saved from my first scovy nest. Dang cats are too dang good at thier job!

The ducks for the most part don't mind cozying up with the cats on the nest. Often the cats curl up on the eggs when the ducks go for a break, pile in at night, just generally make themselves at home. Til the babies hatch......then it gets ugly.

Looks like 15 have hatched so far.

Had another nest just ready to hatch but milk crate she had nested in seemed to be having a problem with eggs getting broken. Was foul. Tried to move her into the nursery but it was too much for her, she didn't recognize her nest. So big batch mama gamely took on another 18 eggs (chicken and a few from the 3rd duck) along with her brood of 15 and her own remaining eggs. Getting pretty cramped but mom's a champ!

3rd mama is accepting petting and cuddling for consolation perched where her nest was. I make it a point to hand feed while brooding, but considering I didn't raise her........pretty amazing allowing petting let alone nuzzling me while doing it. Poor thing.
Quick question from someone who's completely new to this broody-thing...I have a muscovy on an undetermined number of eggs. Normally, she makes little trilling sounds very similar to a loon. Now, she squeaks like the sound of stepping on a dog toy.

Is this normal? I'm assuming she's squeaking a warning to stay away from her eggs...but I wanted to check just to be sure.

Quick question from someone who's completely new to this broody-thing...I have a muscovy on an undetermined number of eggs. Normally, she makes little trilling sounds very similar to a loon. Now, she squeaks like the sound of stepping on a dog toy.

Is this normal? I'm assuming she's squeaking a warning to stay away from her eggs...but I wanted to check just to be sure.

You ain't heard nothing yet.
and yes very normal, they can range from sounding like someone being murdered or like you said someone stepped on a squeakie toy. pretty funny.

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