Old fashioned Broody thread for ducks 2013 edition

Well, the soap opera continues!

We decided to only have two "active nests," meaning we would let the first two girls who started keep their eggs, hopefully to hatch them out, and collect from whomever else laid.

The first I've already written about is Seelie, our Buff Orpington, who was laying on a Muscovy egg, two Ancona eggs, and the rest (assuming) hers. I stopped counting and left her alone at 12 eggs, but I'm pretty sure there are lots more...

Well, that big, beautiful nest became full of feathers, which is usually an exciting sign to us. And then, all of a sudden, GullyDwarf was laying over the eggs, huffing at me whenever I'd get near.

Gully's a Muscovy hatched from our only successful clutch last year. We kept her to better balance our male/female ratios. To my knowledge, she hasn't laid any eggs, and it was a shock to find her being broody all of a sudden! I'm pretty sure these eggs should be hatching this week... buuuut... who really knows, with everything that's gone on with this nest. *laugh*

Our second keeper-nest is Blinky's, one of our two Ancona girls...

And occasionally BabyDuck... *chuckle* She's one of our original ducks and the nest-mama of that successful clutch of last year I previously mentioned. I've caught her on Blinky's eggs a few times. She's SUCH a good mama.

Blinky's tossed out a couple eggs, but the nest has been holding at 14 for a while, now. Hatching is still a couple weeks away.

And lastly, I have to give mention (though sadly no picture at the moment) to a third nest, by Holly. Holly is our chocolate Muscovy. She shared a nest last year with another chocolate Muscovy, but sadly they were scared off the nest only a couple days before Hatching Day.
Anyway, I've been collecting her eggs daily, but she's starting to act broody. She's lined her nest with feathers. She only comes out at feeding time. And of course, the giant poops...
I feel bad for the dear and I'm thinking of leaving her eggs alone... Thinking of running the idea passed the husband...
Well we have hatched! all i can find are two. which is puzzling we are missing eggs but i will wait and try and see properly under her later on. That is what i came out to this AM and i brought my phone along just in case!
They appear robust, sadly i wish the two in the house could go with her, they are stable but clearly looking for mama. I just don't think they are strong enough nor do i know whether she'd accept them??

I am battling a migraine today so things better stay settled down. I am short on waterers so i stuck this bigger one, will it be okay? It's 1GAL

She seems attentive, alert and responding, protective too, all good signs this is a new mum who is only turning 10mths.
out out of 12 11 hatched!

Farmers only worry during the growing season, but towns people worry all the time.
soooo cute!
first lesson in personal hygene
okay stealing that set-up i happen to have a litterbox?? too... i have the rubber pan from last year but i am exploded with babies as you know, gotta keep up with this someway. So cute! mama looks content!
Well, the soap opera continues!

We decided to only have two "active nests," meaning we would let the first two girls who started keep their eggs, hopefully to hatch them out, and collect from whomever else laid.

The first I've already written about is Seelie, our Buff Orpington, who was laying on a Muscovy egg, two Ancona eggs, and the rest (assuming) hers. I stopped counting and left her alone at 12 eggs, but I'm pretty sure there are lots more...

Well, that big, beautiful nest became full of feathers, which is usually an exciting sign to us. And then, all of a sudden, GullyDwarf was laying over the eggs, huffing at me whenever I'd get near.

Gully's a Muscovy hatched from our only successful clutch last year. We kept her to better balance our male/female ratios. To my knowledge, she hasn't laid any eggs, and it was a shock to find her being broody all of a sudden! I'm pretty sure these eggs should be hatching this week... buuuut... who really knows, with everything that's gone on with this nest. *laugh*

Our second keeper-nest is Blinky's, one of our two Ancona girls...

And occasionally BabyDuck... *chuckle* She's one of our original ducks and the nest-mama of that successful clutch of last year I previously mentioned. I've caught her on Blinky's eggs a few times. She's SUCH a good mama.

Blinky's tossed out a couple eggs, but the nest has been holding at 14 for a while, now. Hatching is still a couple weeks away.

And lastly, I have to give mention (though sadly no picture at the moment) to a third nest, by Holly. Holly is our chocolate Muscovy. She shared a nest last year with another chocolate Muscovy, but sadly they were scared off the nest only a couple days before Hatching Day.
Anyway, I've been collecting her eggs daily, but she's starting to act broody. She's lined her nest with feathers. She only comes out at feeding time. And of course, the giant poops...
I feel bad for the dear and I'm thinking of leaving her eggs alone... Thinking of running the idea passed the husband...

Look at all those happy nesters! good luck!
So I just found one of my brooding ducks dead right beside her next haven't examined the body getting incubator ready for the eggs any advice?

Farmers only worry during the growing season, but towns people worry all the time.
Well we have hatched! all i can find are two. which is puzzling we are missing eggs but i will wait and try and see properly under her later on. That is what i came out to this AM and i brought my phone along just in case!
They appear robust, sadly i wish the two in the house could go with her, they are stable but clearly looking for mama. I just don't think they are strong enough nor do i know whether she'd accept them??

I am battling a migraine today so things better stay settled down. I am short on waterers so i stuck this bigger one, will it be okay? It's 1GAL


If you can slip them in she likely would accept them. The eggs I pulled that were hatching to put new eggs in hatched. Mama wasn't having any of that - she knew she had babies! Fortunately I made room in the bator to swap them back into. Meanwhile, mama duck is trying to steal other ducks babies! Took the hatchlings and tucked in a broody box and mama went for that. MINE! So if you tuck them in your hand to protect them from the pecking and get them under her.... surely yours would be up for it. Get em under and step back to watch.

I have a gallon waterer in with babies - the bottoms tend to be too small for adult ducks but OK for babies. I keep a somewhat shallow open pan with water in it too. Babies are cool with water almost from birth.

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