Old fashioned Broody thread for ducks 2013 edition

Dayton, sure hope there are some ducklings soon, I know this is making you crazy.

Thought I would show you all my girls.

These are the 2, ready to hatch! That's Walter.....in the back....never missing a photo opp! I find it interesting....their nest used to be all built up and you could barely see them....now it appears the wall has been broken down and the nest is more flat. Full of eggs under them...

And here is Miss Daisy...she went broody on 17 last week. I will candle her tonight. All of the things I have learned from the first 2 I will put to use right away with this one!!

Gorgeous, gorgeous birds and pup!

I have a predator. Another egg outside of the nest this morning, pipped....and eaten.

I think its my drake. I think he is busting in when the girls get off the pipping egg. This makes 2.

You can't see in the picture from how I took it but they are covered from the top with chain link to keep the over head predators away, hawks and eagles.....but I believe that my drake is getting in from under the chicken wire on the bottom. There were wing feathers in there this morning and everything was disheveled.

I worked all morning, in my bathrobe...(LOL) to get them even more protected and out of sight. A learning curve this has been.

Daisy is also now out of sight.

Ugh.....praying for babies today!! Successfully out of the shell!!

Stay with me!! And thank you for all the prayers and hugs!!


I have a predator. Another egg outside of the nest this morning, pipped....and eaten.

I think its my drake. I think he is busting in when the girls get off the pipping egg. This makes 2.

You can't see in the picture from how I took it but they are covered from the top with chain link to keep the over head predators away, hawks and eagles.....but I believe that my drake is getting in from under the chicken wire on the bottom. There were wing feathers in there this morning and everything was disheveled.

I worked all morning, in my bathrobe...(LOL) to get them even more protected and out of sight. A learning curve this has been.

Daisy is also now out of sight.

Ugh.....praying for babies today!! Successfully out of the shell!!

Stay with me!! And thank you for all the prayers and hugs!!

Aww so sorry, are you sure they are pipping? My girls usually stick tight when the eggs are pipping, But all ducks are different. That's too bad, that's one reason why my drakes are off limits to broody's and after their ducklings, you just never know how they will act. Now working all morning in your bathrobe should have some videos of that one.
Still hoping those ducklings hatch soon!!
Kinda wierd the girls are even getting off the nest if pipping.
Maybe close them in and just let them off when you can keep an eye on things?

hoping for babies for you soon!
I just assumed the girls move out of the way. I really don't know how the eggs are getting out...I can just imagine it is a predator of some sort. Thought I had Mr. all locked out....but I think he has found a way underneath.....today he is rehomed completely out of sight! He is out front on the lawn. Period. Just in case it's him.

More will be revealed!
I just assumed the girls move out of the way. I really don't know how the eggs are getting out...I can just imagine it is a predator of some sort. Thought I had Mr. all locked out....but I think he has found a way underneath.....today he is rehomed completely out of sight! He is out front on the lawn. Period. Just in case it's him.

More will be revealed!
I also agree that hens don't typically leave the nest when eggs are hatching. I have had eggs "kicked" out when hatching but I think some were just rocking around and happened to roll out. I've always stuck them back in and they were okay.

If the drake can possibly get under the fence, so can other things. I think it would be unusual for a drake to eat a fully formed, ready to hatch duckling. But, if they are in chain link and an egg gets out from under the mom, many birds will take advantage of a free meal.

Good luck with the hatch. Hoping for the best for you.
So, Fort Knox is in place. Nothing is getting in there now! And still this morning, girls sitting and no babies. At least nothing that they will let me see. I see no shells.....but they are verrrry protective.

I have no instincts yet. This is a first for me and for them. I just thought maybe one had moved off and that's how the egg was vulnerable...but I watched nearly all night and no, they don't get off the clutch. I think it was birds....getting a free meal like was said.

Still praying. We are on day 31. And temps today rise to 100.

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